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2mo ago

"Backsalire" would be a combination of the prefix "back" and the verb "salire" (to climb in Italian). However, "backsalire" is not a common word in English or Italian.

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Q: What is a word with the prefix of back and the verb salire?
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It is none of them. In fact, "salire" is not even a recognised English word!

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No, a prefix is not a verb. A prefix is a part of a word that is added at the beginning to change its meaning or create a new word. It modifies the root word but does not act as a verb itself.

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No, a verb is not a prefix. A verb is a type of word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. Prefixes are affixes that are added to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning.

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No, "impressed" is not a prefix. It is a verb form that combines the root word "press" with the prefix "im-" to create a new word with its own meaning.

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No, "necessarily" does not have a prefix. It is a standalone adverb formed from the root word "necessary."

What is the English translation of the Italian 'salire'?

"To climb" is an English equivalent of the Italian word salire.Specifically, the Italian word is a verb. It is the present form of the infinitive. It includes among its meanings "to climb, go up, mount, rise."The pronunciation is "sah-LEE-reh."

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