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Q: What is a word that means a way of standing?
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the position or carriage of the body in sitting or standing

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If there is something in your way what does that mean?

It means you cant do something and well something is standing in your way!

What does the Japanese word tate mean?

It means something is standing "upright."

What is a three letter word for no seats?

There is no word, but SRO (standing room only) means the same thing.

What does sefyll mean?

"Sefyll" is a Welsh word that means "stand." It can be used to describe physically standing or figuratively standing up for something.

What word means to hesitate or give way?

The word "waver" means to hesitate or give way.

What dose inconspicuous mean?

Inconspicuous means not noticeable, blending in. The word conspicuous means easily noticed, or standing out from the crowd. The word inconspicuous is the opposite of conspicuous.

What is a word that means to move in an easy way?

Glide would be a word that means "to move in an easy way."

Is notwithstanding a compound word?

No, notwithstanding is not a compound word. It is a single word that is used as a preposition or adverb and means "in spite of" or "despite."

What is cospiciuous mean?

There is no word "cospiciuous" but there is a word "conspicuous." The word conspicuous means standing out or clearly visible. Something that is conspicuous often attracts attention.