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A subject complement gerund is a gerund phrase that follows a linking verb and renames the subject of the sentence. It functions as a complement to the subject, providing additional information or clarification about the subject.

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Q: What is a subject complement gerund?
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What is the noun function to The greatest pleasure is giving?

The noun 'pleasure' is the subject of the sentence; the gerund 'giving' is the object complement, renaming the subject.

What is the gerund phase for this sentence one of my favorite sounds is children singing?

The gerund phrase in this sentence is "children singing.", serving as the subject complement after the linking verb "is."

What is the gerund phrase in One of my favorite sounds is children singing?

The gerund phrase in the sentence is "children singing." It functions as the subject complement that describes the favorite sound.

What are the function of gerund and gerund phrase?

A gerund functions as a noun, representing an action or activity. A gerund phrase includes the gerund plus any modifiers or complements, and can act as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence.

What is the function of the gerund in this sentence Roland's best skill is hammering nails with accuracy and force?

The gerund "hammering" functions as the subject complement in the sentence. It renames or describes Roland's best skill.

What comes after a linking verb?

After a linking verb, a subject complement is used to complete the sentence and provide more information about the subject. This can be a noun, pronoun, adjective, or adverb that describes or renames the subject. The subject complement helps to further clarify the subject's identity or state.

Gerund used as a predicate noun?

A gerund can be used as a predicate noun when it functions as the subject complement following a linking verb. For example, in the sentence "His favorite hobby is painting," "painting" is a gerund functioning as the predicate noun.

What is gerund as noun mean?

A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun in a sentence. It can be used as a subject, object, or complement. For example, in the sentence "Swimming is my favorite hobby," "swimming" is a gerund that acts as the subject of the sentence.

What is a gerund phrase as a subject complement for swimming in the lake?

Jumping in Splashing water Diving H20 Water in your face Goggles Sorry that all I have today I have the same problem as you

What is the verb phrase in this sentence The races were exciting for us?

The verb phrase is just the verb "were," because "exciting" is a gerund used as a subject complement.

What is a gerund phase?

A gerund phrase is a phrase that includes a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing that acts as a noun) along with any complements or modifiers. It functions as a noun in a sentence and can be used as a subject, object, or complement. For example, "Swimming in the ocean" is a gerund phrase in the sentence "I love swimming in the ocean."

What is the function of the gerund phrase in the sentence One of my favorite sounds is children singing?

The gerund phrase "children singing" acts as the subject complement, describing the sound that is the favorite. It serves to describe or specify the favorite sounds.