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A subject and a verb that cannot stand alone is called a dependent clause. This type of clause relies on an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

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Q: What is a subject and a verb that cannot stand alone is called a?
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Clauses that cannot stand alone and are not complete thoughts are called .?

dependent clauses

A contains a subject and a predicate but cannot stand alone it depends on something else in the?

A subordinate clause contains a subject and a predicate but cannot stand on its own. A subordinate clause can also be referred to as a dependent clause.

Clauses that cannot stand alone and are not complete thoughts are called?

dependent clauses

What is the subject in the sentence When the field is wet?

That is not actually a complete sentence. It is a dependent clause because it cannot stand alone. If you were to take off the subordinating conjunction "when," it could stand alone and would a sentence. The simple subject in that dependent clause is field.

What is a group of words called that has neither a subject nor a verb?

A group of words that lacks both a subject and a verb is called a phrase. Phrases can be used to describe or modify other parts of a sentence but cannot stand alone as complete sentences.

How many stand alone camera in the world?

there are a lot of stand alone camera that we cannot count them all

What characterizes a clause?

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. It can function as a complete sentence or as a part of a larger sentence. Clauses can be independent (can stand alone as a sentence) or dependent (cannot stand alone).

What is the answer in dependent clause?

cannot stand alone :)))))))))

A group of words that includes a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought is called?

A group of words with a subject and verb that do not express a complete thought is known as a phrase. A sentence that includes a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone because it begins with a subordinate word is known as a dependent clause.

What are clauses that cannot stand alone and aren't complete thoughts are called?

Dependent clauses, also known as subordinate clauses, are clauses that cannot stand alone as complete sentences and require additional information to make sense within a sentence. These clauses typically begin with subordinating conjunctions such as "because," "although," or "if."

Dependent clauses cannot stand alone in a sentence?


Is into an adverb or preposition?

It is a preposition. It cannot stand alone to modify a verb.