This is a sentence using a pronoun.The word this is a demonstrative pronoun.
The pupil in my class raised her hand to answer the question.
which is not a verb
One example sentence using "its" is: "The dog wagged its tail happily."
One sentence using all the letters in "these letters" could be: "Settle these letters on the shelf for later use."
Transmigration - novel - was created in 1970.
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer was created in 1982.
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer has 255 pages.
The ISBN of The Transmigration of Timothy Archer is 0-671-44066-7.
Transmigration - 2001 was released on: USA: 2 November 2001 (MicroCineFest)
astral travel
Using petroleum in a sentence?
I am not writing a sentence using that word.
this is a sentence using aquit
I am making a sentence using consign.
a sentence using the word endotracheal