It is not one of the more accepted forms of the word and is only in a few dictionaries. The better word is non-functional if something isn't working at all or is dysfunctional if it is impaired.
Example sentence:
It is preferred to use the word non-functional instead of unfunctional.
A sentence punctuated as a whole sentence is a compound sentence. This is taught in 3rd grade.
No, the sentence "I thought so" is not an interrogative sentence. It is a declarative sentence expressing the speaker's belief or opinion. An interrogative sentence is one that asks a question.
No, the sentence "Judge a man by his words not his actions" is not an assertive sentence. It is an imperative sentence because it gives a command or instruction.
A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence.
The subject in the sentence is "you."
yes it can al you have to do is remove the supercharger and remove the supercharger belt, even if you dont wanna remove the supercharger u can just remove the supercharger belt and it will be unfunctional, why would you want to remove it anyways there awsome
You have yo remove the door panel, if you don't know how go to you auto parts store and get a book for your truck it will show you how. The linkage is what sound like is broken.
It is the first sentence of a paragraph which is the topic sentence.
It in symmetry with sentence a is what? What is a sentence with symmetry in it? This sentence with symmetry is symmetry with sentence this.
Who or what the sentence is about is the subject of the sentence.
Who or what the sentence is about is the subject of the sentence.
The subject of a sentence is who or what that sentence is about.
the meaning of sentence is sentence
A subject in a sentence is who, what, or where the sentence is about.
As a question, it can be a sentence, like: A sentence can have one word, and as a question then it can be a sentence: Who?
a descriptive sentence is a sentence that describes something in one sentence