Arrange is the base word of 'rearrange'.Re- is a prefix. Take away the prefix and you are left with a base word, or root.Re- Arrange
Arthritis, arrange, argument, article.
The base word in "prearranged" is "arrange." "Pre-" is a prefix added to the base word.
The prefix "pre-" in prearrange means "before" or "in advance." So, prearrange means to arrange or plan something before it actually happens.
Prefix and suffix ex of arrange
Arrange is the base word of 'rearrange'.Re- is a prefix. Take away the prefix and you are left with a base word, or root.Re- Arrange
Arthritis, arrange, argument, article.
pre - prefix arrange - root ment - suffix
The base word in "prearranged" is "arrange." "Pre-" is a prefix added to the base word.
Bacteria often grow in characteristic patterns or grouping.· Prefix diplo- cell arranged in pairs· Prefix staphylo- cells arranged in clusters· Prefix strepto- refers to bacteria arrange in chains
The prefix "pre-" in prearrange means "before" or "in advance." So, prearrange means to arrange or plan something before it actually happens.
There is no plural form for arrange as arrange is verb not a noun.
arrange what?????
I am pretty shore it is again.By the way,, is awesome. You actually don't have to put in you email address to give people answers.