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A nominative noun is a noun functioning as the subject of a sentence or a clause.

An objective noun is a noun functioning as the object of a verb or a preposition.

A possessive noun is a noun indicating ownership, possession, purpose, or origin of another word in the sentence.


The boy is riding a bicycle. (the noun 'boy' is the subject of the sentence)

The bicycle that the boy rides is new. (the noun 'boy' is the subject of the relative clause)

I saw the boy on the bicycle. (the noun 'boy' is the direct object of the verb 'saw')

I waited for the boy to pass. (the noun 'boy' is the object of the preposition 'for')

The boy's bicycle was red. (the possessive form of the 'bicycle of the boy')

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A nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence, a subjective pronoun. An objective case is used for the direct or indirect object of a sentence, an objective pronoun. A possessive case indicates ownership or association with something.

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Q: What is a nominative objective and a possessive?
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What are the differences between nominative objective and possessive cases?

Nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence, objective case for the object of a verb, and possessive case to show ownership or association with someone or something. Nominative case is typically the subject of the sentence, objective case is typically the direct object, and possessive case is showing possession.

What is Grammatical forms such as the nominative objective and possessive?

Grammatical forms refer to variations of a word based on its function in a sentence. Nominative form is used for subjects, objective for objects, and possessive to show ownership or relationship. These forms help indicate the role of words within a sentence.

Is them a nominative objective or possessive?

The pronoun 'them' is the objective form of the pronoun 'they'.The pronouns 'they' and 'them' are the third person, plural, personal pronouns.The pronoun 'them' functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.Example: The Walters came to visit and theybrought the baby with them. (object of the preposition 'with')

Is HER a predictive nominative?

The predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject. The objective personal pronoun 'her' can function as a predicate nominative. Example:The winner is her.The possessive adjective, a word that describes a noun. The possessive adjective 'her' can describe a noun that is a predicate nominative. Example:The winner is her horse.

What is they a nominative possessive or objective?

"They" can be a nominative case pronoun when it is used as the subject of a sentence (e.g., "They are going to the party"). It can also be an objective case pronoun when it is used as the object of a verb or preposition (e.g., "I gave the book to them").

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What is the pronoun case of the bolded word Give the permission slip to HIM. nominative objective possessive?

The pronoun HIM is the OBJECTIVE CASE, functioning as the object of the preposition 'to'. The corresponding nominative case is: he. The corresponding possessive case is: his.

What are the differences between nominative objective and possessive cases?

Nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence, objective case for the object of a verb, and possessive case to show ownership or association with someone or something. Nominative case is typically the subject of the sentence, objective case is typically the direct object, and possessive case is showing possession.

Is the sentence Shelly and Joe came to visit us nominative objective or possessive?

The nouns 'Shelly and Joe' are nominative, subject of the sentence.The pronoun 'us' is objective, direct object of the verb 'to visit'.There are no possessive nouns or pronouns in the sentence.

Is she an adjective?

No. She is the nominative form of a personal pronoun. The possessive adjective is her, which is also the objective form of the pronoun. (The possessive pronoun is hers.)

What is Grammatical forms such as the nominative objective and possessive?

Grammatical forms refer to variations of a word based on its function in a sentence. Nominative form is used for subjects, objective for objects, and possessive to show ownership or relationship. These forms help indicate the role of words within a sentence.

Is them a nominative objective or possessive?

The pronoun 'them' is the objective form of the pronoun 'they'.The pronouns 'they' and 'them' are the third person, plural, personal pronouns.The pronoun 'them' functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.Example: The Walters came to visit and theybrought the baby with them. (object of the preposition 'with')

Is HER a predictive nominative?

The predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject. The objective personal pronoun 'her' can function as a predicate nominative. Example:The winner is her.The possessive adjective, a word that describes a noun. The possessive adjective 'her' can describe a noun that is a predicate nominative. Example:The winner is her horse.

What is they a nominative possessive or objective?

"They" can be a nominative case pronoun when it is used as the subject of a sentence (e.g., "They are going to the party"). It can also be an objective case pronoun when it is used as the object of a verb or preposition (e.g., "I gave the book to them").

Is everyone a nominative possessive or objective pronoun?

No, everyone is an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown member of a group of people. The indefinite pronoun everyone is a singular form (everyone). Examples:Everyone is invited to the game.Everyone was on time for the bus.

What is the singular possessive of us?

The nominative pronoun is we, and the objective pronoun is us. (first person plural)The possessive adjective (used with nouns) is our.The possessive pronoun (used alone) is ours.

Write three sentences of eight or more words each containing at least one nominative one objective and one possessive pronoun capitalize the pronouns?

When George got to 19th Street, HE got off the train. (nominative)I saw the posting for this job and I knew it was right for ME. (objective)MY mother was a great cook, the recipe for this cake is HERS. (possessive)

How are nominative object and possessive related?

Nominative case refers to the subject of a sentence, while the accusative case refers to the direct object. Possessive case indicates ownership. Nominative, accusative, and possessive are all ways in which nouns change form based on their grammatical function in a sentence.