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A microculture is a small, distinct group of people within a larger society who share common beliefs, values, and practices that set them apart from the mainstream culture. These groups can form based on specific interests, hobbies, or experiences, creating unique subcultures within a broader society.

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Q: What is a microculture?
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List of words with the prefix micro in them?

micro ; extremely smallantimicrobialantimicrobialschylomicronchylomicronsmicromicroamperemicroamperesmicroanalysesmicroanalysismicroanalystmicroanalystsmicroanalyticmicroanalyticalmicroanatomicalmicroanatomiesmicroanatomymicrobalancemicrobalancesmicrobarmicrobarographmicrobarographsmicrobarsmicrobemicrobeammicrobeamsmicrobesmicrobialmicrobicmicrobiologicmicrobiologicalmicrobiologicallymicrobiologiesmicrobiologistmicrobiologistsmicrobiologymicrobrewmicrobrewermicrobreweriesmicrobrewersmicrobrewerymicrobrewingmicrobrewingsmicrobrewsmicroburstmicroburstsmicrobusmicrobusesmicrobussesmicrocalorimetermicrocalorimetersmicrocalorimetricmicrocalorimetriesmicrocalorimetrymicrocapsulemicrocapsulesmicrocassettemicrocassettesmicrocephalicmicrocephalicsmicrocephaliesmicrocephalymicrochipmicrochipsmicrocircuitmicrocircuitriesmicrocircuitrymicrocircuitsmicrocirculationmicrocirculationsmicrocirculatorymicroclimatemicroclimatesmicroclimaticmicroclinemicroclinesmicrococcalmicrococcimicrococcusmicrocodemicrocodesmicrocomputermicrocomputersmicrocopiesmicrocopymicrocosmmicrocosmicmicrocosmicallymicrocosmosmicrocosmosesmicrocosmsmicrocrystalmicrocrystallinemicrocrystallinitiesmicrocrystallinitymicrocrystalsmicroculturalmicroculturemicroculturesmicrocuriemicrocuriesmicrocytemicrocytesmicrocyticmicrodensitometermicrodensitometersmicrodensitometricmicrodensitometriesmicrodensitometrymicrodissectionmicrodissectionsmicrodotmicrodotsmicroearthquakemicroearthquakesmicroeconomicmicroeconomicsmicroelectrodemicroelectrodesmicroelectronicmicroelectronicallymicroelectronicsmicroelectrophoresesmicroelectrophoresismicroelectrophoreticmicroelectrophoreticallymicroelementmicroelementsmicroencapsulatemicroencapsulatedmicroencapsulatesmicroencapsulatingmicroencapsulationmicroencapsulationsmicroenvironmentmicroenvironmentalmicroenvironmentsmicroevolutionmicroevolutionarymicroevolutionsmicrofaradmicrofaradsmicrofaunamicrofaunaemicrofaunalmicrofaunasmicrofibrilmicrofibrillarmicrofibrilsmicrofichemicrofichesmicrofilamentmicrofilamentsmicrofilariamicrofilariaemicrofilarialmicrofilmmicrofilmablemicrofilmedmicrofilmermicrofilmersmicrofilmingmicrofilmsmicrofloramicrofloraemicrofloralmicroflorasmicroformmicroformsmicrofossilmicrofossilsmicrofungimicrofungusmicrofungusesmicrogametemicrogametesmicrogametocytemicrogametocytesmicrogrammicrogramsmicrographmicrographedmicrographicmicrographicallymicrographicsmicrographingmicrographsmicrogravitiesmicrogravitymicrogroovemicrogroovesmicrohabitatmicrohabitatsmicrohmmicrohmsmicroimagemicroimagesmicroinchmicroinchesmicroinjectmicroinjectedmicroinjectingmicroinjectionmicroinjectionsmicroinjectsmicroinstructionmicroinstructionsmicrolepidopteramicrolepidopterousmicrolitermicrolitersmicrolithmicrolithicmicrolithsmicrolucesmicroluxmicroluxesmicromanagemicromanagedmicromanagementmicromanagementsmicromanagermicromanagersmicromanagesmicromanagingmicromanipulationmicromanipulationsmicromanipulatormicromanipulatorsmicromeremicromeresmicrometeoritemicrometeoritesmicrometeoriticmicrometeoroidmicrometeoroidsmicrometeorologicalmicrometeorologiesmicrometeorologistmicrometeorologistsmicrometeorologymicrometermicrometersmicromethodmicromethodsmicromhomicromhosmicrominimicrominiaturemicrominiaturizationmicrominiaturizationsmicrominiaturizedmicrominismicromolarmicromolemicromolesmicromorphologicalmicromorphologiesmicromorphologymicronmicronizemicronizedmicronizesmicronizingmicronsmicronucleimicronucleusmicronucleusesmicronutrientmicronutrientsmicroorganismmicroorganismsmicropaleontologicmicropaleontologicalmicropaleontologiesmicropaleontologistmicropaleontologistsmicropaleontologymicroparticlemicroparticlesmicrophagemicrophagesmicrophonemicrophonesmicrophonicmicrophonicsmicrophotographmicrophotographermicrophotographersmicrophotographicmicrophotographiesmicrophotographsmicrophotographymicrophotometermicrophotometersmicrophotometricmicrophotometricallymicrophotometriesmicrophotometrymicrophyllmicrophyllousmicrophyllsmicrophysicalmicrophysicallymicrophysicsmicropipetmicropipetsmicropipettemicropipettesmicroplanktonmicroplanktonsmicroporemicroporesmicroporositiesmicroporositymicroporousmicroprismmicroprismsmicroprobemicroprobesmicroprocessormicroprocessorsmicroprogrammicroprogrammingmicroprogrammingsmicroprogramsmicroprojectionmicroprojectionsmicroprojectormicroprojectorsmicropublishermicropublishersmicropublishingmicropublishingsmicropulsationmicropulsationsmicropuncturemicropuncturesmicropylarmicropylemicropylesmicroquakemicroquakesmicroradiographmicroradiographicmicroradiographiesmicroradiographsmicroradiographymicroreadermicroreadersmicroreproductionmicroreproductionsmicrosmicroscalemicroscalesmicroscopemicroscopesmicroscopicmicroscopicalmicroscopicallymicroscopiesmicroscopistmicroscopistsmicroscopymicrosecondmicrosecondsmicroseismmicroseismicmicroseismicitiesmicroseismicitymicroseismsmicrosomalmicrosomemicrosomesmicrospectrophotometermicrospectrophotometersmicrospectrophotometricmicrospectrophotometriesmicrospectrophotometrymicrospheremicrospheresmicrosphericalmicrosporangiamicrosporangiatemicrosporangiummicrosporemicrosporesmicrosporocytemicrosporocytesmicrosporogenesesmicrosporogenesismicrosporophyllmicrosporophyllsmicrosporousmicrostatemicrostatesmicrostructuralmicrostructuremicrostructuresmicrosurgeriesmicrosurgerymicrosurgicalmicroswitchmicroswitchesmicrotechnicmicrotechnicsmicrotechniquemicrotechniquesmicrotomemicrotomesmicrotonalmicrotonalitiesmicrotonalitymicrotonallymicrotonemicrotonesmicrotubularmicrotubulemicrotubulesmicrovascularmicrovasculaturemicrovasculaturesmicrovillarmicrovillimicrovillousmicrovillusmicrovoltmicrovoltsmicrowattmicrowattsmicrowavablemicrowavemicrowaveablemicrowavedmicrowavesmicrowavingmicroworldmicroworldsmillimicronmillimicronsnonmicrobialomicronomicronsphotomicrographphotomicrographicphotomicrographiesphotomicrographsphotomicrographysemimicrostereomicroscopestereomicroscopesstereomicroscopicstereomicroscopicallysubmicrogramsubmicronsubmicroscopicsubmicroscopicallysupermicrosupermicrosultramicroultramicroscopeultramicroscopesultramicroscopicultramicroscopicalultramicroscopicallyultramicrotomeultramicrotomesultramicrotomiesultramicrotomyi hope this answered your question there sorted by; i ♥ josh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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it is a beetle bushrangers

Microcultures can be formed on the basis of?

A social group that shares distinctive traits, values, and behaviors that set it apart from the parent macroculture of which it is a part. Microculture seems to imply a greater linkage with the parent culture and often mediate the ideas, values, and institutions of the larger political community.Simplified:Age, Class, Race, Gender. Anything you can do to group people together. Could even be height, hair colour, athleticism... whatever you can think of to group objects together is a microculture.

What are microcultures formed on?

A social group that shares distinctive traits, values, and behaviors that set it apart from the parent macroculture of which it is a part. Microculture seems to imply a greater linkage with the parent culture and often mediate the ideas, values, and institutions of the larger political community.Simplified:Age, Class, Race, Gender. Anything you can do to group people together. Could even be height, hair colour, athleticism... whatever you can think of to group objects together is a microculture.

Comprehend how American culture differs from other cultures and how the American military functions as a microculture within American culture?

It helps you anticipate how others will receive you and then modify your behaviour to achieve desired lie

What is micro culture?

A microculture refers to a smaller, distinct group within a larger society that shares unique customs, beliefs, and behaviors. This can be based on various factors such as ethnicity, profession, or hobbies. Microcultures often influence individuals' identities and social interactions.

What are some words start with the root micro?

Some words that start with the word micro: microampere. microbalance. microbe. microcapsule. microcassette. microclimate. microcline. microcode. microcrystalline. microculture. microcurie. microcyte. microearthquake. microelectrode. microencapsulate. microfaunae. microfiche. microfilariae. microfilmable. microflorae. microgamete. microgametocyte. microgroove. microimage. micromanage. micromere. micrometeorite. microminiature. micromole. micronize. microparticle. microphage. microphone. micropipette. micropore. microprobe. micropuncture. micropyle. microquake. microscale. microscope. microsome. microsphere. microsporangiate. microspore. microsporocyte. microstate. microstructure. microtechnique. microtome. microtone. microtubule. microvasculature. microwavable. microwave. microwaveable.

What is the difference between subculture and micro culture?

A subculture refers to a smaller group within a larger culture that shares distinct norms and values, often based on shared interests or beliefs. A micro culture, on the other hand, typically refers to an even smaller and more specific group or community that has unique customs or practices within a subculture or larger culture. In essence, micro cultures are subsets within subcultures.

What is the principle and procedure of reverse laminar air flow?

Reverse laminar air flow is a method used in healthcare facilities to create a negative pressure environment, preventing the spread of airborne contaminants. The principle involves drawing air into the room through a HEPA filter and exhausting it outside after purification. The procedure includes setting up a ventilation system to ensure air flows from clean to contaminated areas, maintaining the desired pressure differentials, and regularly monitoring and maintaining the system for effective operation.

What is Humanistic Social Work?

Essentially, it is a kind of extension of humanistic psychology and therapy in the social work areas and issues, with the mention that the issues approached are not purely psychological or individual but mostly at the social or psychosocial level. So, after psychotherapy, social work is the most important beneficiary of the humanistic psychology's theory and methodology. These have produced a deep reform of the modern social work theory and practice, leading, among others, to the occurrence of a particular theory and methodology: the humanistic social work. Most values and principles of the humanistic social work practice, described by Malcolm Payne in his book Humanistic Social Work: Core Principles in Practice, namely creativity in human life and practice, developing self and spirituality, developing security and resilience, accountability, flexibility and complexity in human life and practice, directly originate from the humanistic psychological theory and humanistic psychotherapy practice. Also, the representation and approach of the client (as human being) and social issue (as human issue) in social work is made from the humanistic psychology position. According to Petru Stefaroi, the way humanistic representation and approach of the client and his personality is represented is, in fact, the theoretical-axiological and methodological foundation of humanistic social work. In setting goals and the intervention activities, in order to solve social/ human problems, there prevail critical terms and categories of the humanistic psychology and psychotherapy, such as: self-actualization, human potential, holistic approach, human being, free will, subjectivity, human experience, self-determination/ development, spirituality, creativity, positive thinking, client-centered and context-centered approach/intervention, empathy, personal growth, empowerment. First, the humanistic and also transpersonal psychologies and therapies bring to humanistic social work the idea of seeking to promote personal growth and self-actualization through our shared human experience.Although it is very important to identify the humanistic psychology as a source of humanistic helping, is not indicated a wholesale transfer of humanistic psychologies or psychotherapies into other forms of helping. This is because psychologies have important disadvantages as a basis for caring and helping practice. They focus only on individual personal development and have been criticized for not recognizing the limitations and barriers that many people face in the societies and communities in which they live. To develop a humanistic social work, we need to balance humanistic psychologies with social ideas about humanity. Here, the importance of the microsociology and humanistic sociology. Key issues, categories and principles of the microsociology and humanistic sociology, such as human relations, face-to-face interaction, interpretive/qualitative analysis, attachment and empathy, micro-level analysis, human behavior, micro-community, everyday human life, human context, microculture, focus on agency have influenced and still influences today the social work theory and practice, having a crucial role, in the emergence of humanistic social work (Petru Stefaroi), as response to the critical, radical, structural and systemic social work, which theoretically originates from macrosociology or mesosociology. This is why, Malcolm Payne and Petru Stefaroi considers, alongside phenomenology and humanistic psychology/ psychotherapy, the microsociology a fundamental theoretical-methodological source of this postmodern and innovative orientation from the contemporary social work, especially of the humanistic social work practice.Bibliography:Payne, M. (2011). Humanistic Social Work: Core Principles in Practice. Chicago: Lyceum, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacmillanStefaroi, P. (2012). Humanistic Paradigm of Social Work or Brief Introduction in Humanistic Social Work. Social Work Review, 1, pp. 161-174.Ellenhorn, R. (1988). Toward a Humanistic Social Work: Social Work for Conviviality, Humanity & Society, Vol. 12, Issue 2, p.166Payne, M. (2005). Modern Social Work Theory (3rd ed.), Chicago: Lyceum Books.Stefaroi, P. (2009). Humanistic Perspective on Customer in Social Work, Social Work Review, 1-2, pp. 9-34.Humanistische Akademie. (1998). Humanistische Sozialarbeit, Berlin: Humanistische Akademie. Series: Humanismus aktuell, H. 3. Jg. 2.

List of words with the prefix micro in them?

micro ; extremely smallantimicrobialantimicrobialschylomicronchylomicronsmicromicroamperemicroamperesmicroanalysesmicroanalysismicroanalystmicroanalystsmicroanalyticmicroanalyticalmicroanatomicalmicroanatomiesmicroanatomymicrobalancemicrobalancesmicrobarmicrobarographmicrobarographsmicrobarsmicrobemicrobeammicrobeamsmicrobesmicrobialmicrobicmicrobiologicmicrobiologicalmicrobiologicallymicrobiologiesmicrobiologistmicrobiologistsmicrobiologymicrobrewmicrobrewermicrobreweriesmicrobrewersmicrobrewerymicrobrewingmicrobrewingsmicrobrewsmicroburstmicroburstsmicrobusmicrobusesmicrobussesmicrocalorimetermicrocalorimetersmicrocalorimetricmicrocalorimetriesmicrocalorimetrymicrocapsulemicrocapsulesmicrocassettemicrocassettesmicrocephalicmicrocephalicsmicrocephaliesmicrocephalymicrochipmicrochipsmicrocircuitmicrocircuitriesmicrocircuitrymicrocircuitsmicrocirculationmicrocirculationsmicrocirculatorymicroclimatemicroclimatesmicroclimaticmicroclinemicroclinesmicrococcalmicrococcimicrococcusmicrocodemicrocodesmicrocomputermicrocomputersmicrocopiesmicrocopymicrocosmmicrocosmicmicrocosmicallymicrocosmosmicrocosmosesmicrocosmsmicrocrystalmicrocrystallinemicrocrystallinitiesmicrocrystallinitymicrocrystalsmicroculturalmicroculturemicroculturesmicrocuriemicrocuriesmicrocytemicrocytesmicrocyticmicrodensitometermicrodensitometersmicrodensitometricmicrodensitometriesmicrodensitometrymicrodissectionmicrodissectionsmicrodotmicrodotsmicroearthquakemicroearthquakesmicroeconomicmicroeconomicsmicroelectrodemicroelectrodesmicroelectronicmicroelectronicallymicroelectronicsmicroelectrophoresesmicroelectrophoresismicroelectrophoreticmicroelectrophoreticallymicroelementmicroelementsmicroencapsulatemicroencapsulatedmicroencapsulatesmicroencapsulatingmicroencapsulationmicroencapsulationsmicroenvironmentmicroenvironmentalmicroenvironmentsmicroevolutionmicroevolutionarymicroevolutionsmicrofaradmicrofaradsmicrofaunamicrofaunaemicrofaunalmicrofaunasmicrofibrilmicrofibrillarmicrofibrilsmicrofichemicrofichesmicrofilamentmicrofilamentsmicrofilariamicrofilariaemicrofilarialmicrofilmmicrofilmablemicrofilmedmicrofilmermicrofilmersmicrofilmingmicrofilmsmicrofloramicrofloraemicrofloralmicroflorasmicroformmicroformsmicrofossilmicrofossilsmicrofungimicrofungusmicrofungusesmicrogametemicrogametesmicrogametocytemicrogametocytesmicrogrammicrogramsmicrographmicrographedmicrographicmicrographicallymicrographicsmicrographingmicrographsmicrogravitiesmicrogravitymicrogroovemicrogroovesmicrohabitatmicrohabitatsmicrohmmicrohmsmicroimagemicroimagesmicroinchmicroinchesmicroinjectmicroinjectedmicroinjectingmicroinjectionmicroinjectionsmicroinjectsmicroinstructionmicroinstructionsmicrolepidopteramicrolepidopterousmicrolitermicrolitersmicrolithmicrolithicmicrolithsmicrolucesmicroluxmicroluxesmicromanagemicromanagedmicromanagementmicromanagementsmicromanagermicromanagersmicromanagesmicromanagingmicromanipulationmicromanipulationsmicromanipulatormicromanipulatorsmicromeremicromeresmicrometeoritemicrometeoritesmicrometeoriticmicrometeoroidmicrometeoroidsmicrometeorologicalmicrometeorologiesmicrometeorologistmicrometeorologistsmicrometeorologymicrometermicrometersmicromethodmicromethodsmicromhomicromhosmicrominimicrominiaturemicrominiaturizationmicrominiaturizationsmicrominiaturizedmicrominismicromolarmicromolemicromolesmicromorphologicalmicromorphologiesmicromorphologymicronmicronizemicronizedmicronizesmicronizingmicronsmicronucleimicronucleusmicronucleusesmicronutrientmicronutrientsmicroorganismmicroorganismsmicropaleontologicmicropaleontologicalmicropaleontologiesmicropaleontologistmicropaleontologistsmicropaleontologymicroparticlemicroparticlesmicrophagemicrophagesmicrophonemicrophonesmicrophonicmicrophonicsmicrophotographmicrophotographermicrophotographersmicrophotographicmicrophotographiesmicrophotographsmicrophotographymicrophotometermicrophotometersmicrophotometricmicrophotometricallymicrophotometriesmicrophotometrymicrophyllmicrophyllousmicrophyllsmicrophysicalmicrophysicallymicrophysicsmicropipetmicropipetsmicropipettemicropipettesmicroplanktonmicroplanktonsmicroporemicroporesmicroporositiesmicroporositymicroporousmicroprismmicroprismsmicroprobemicroprobesmicroprocessormicroprocessorsmicroprogrammicroprogrammingmicroprogrammingsmicroprogramsmicroprojectionmicroprojectionsmicroprojectormicroprojectorsmicropublishermicropublishersmicropublishingmicropublishingsmicropulsationmicropulsationsmicropuncturemicropuncturesmicropylarmicropylemicropylesmicroquakemicroquakesmicroradiographmicroradiographicmicroradiographiesmicroradiographsmicroradiographymicroreadermicroreadersmicroreproductionmicroreproductionsmicrosmicroscalemicroscalesmicroscopemicroscopesmicroscopicmicroscopicalmicroscopicallymicroscopiesmicroscopistmicroscopistsmicroscopymicrosecondmicrosecondsmicroseismmicroseismicmicroseismicitiesmicroseismicitymicroseismsmicrosomalmicrosomemicrosomesmicrospectrophotometermicrospectrophotometersmicrospectrophotometricmicrospectrophotometriesmicrospectrophotometrymicrospheremicrospheresmicrosphericalmicrosporangiamicrosporangiatemicrosporangiummicrosporemicrosporesmicrosporocytemicrosporocytesmicrosporogenesesmicrosporogenesismicrosporophyllmicrosporophyllsmicrosporousmicrostatemicrostatesmicrostructuralmicrostructuremicrostructuresmicrosurgeriesmicrosurgerymicrosurgicalmicroswitchmicroswitchesmicrotechnicmicrotechnicsmicrotechniquemicrotechniquesmicrotomemicrotomesmicrotonalmicrotonalitiesmicrotonalitymicrotonallymicrotonemicrotonesmicrotubularmicrotubulemicrotubulesmicrovascularmicrovasculaturemicrovasculaturesmicrovillarmicrovillimicrovillousmicrovillusmicrovoltmicrovoltsmicrowattmicrowattsmicrowavablemicrowavemicrowaveablemicrowavedmicrowavesmicrowavingmicroworldmicroworldsmillimicronmillimicronsnonmicrobialomicronomicronsphotomicrographphotomicrographicphotomicrographiesphotomicrographsphotomicrographysemimicrostereomicroscopestereomicroscopesstereomicroscopicstereomicroscopicallysubmicrogramsubmicronsubmicroscopicsubmicroscopicallysupermicrosupermicrosultramicroultramicroscopeultramicroscopesultramicroscopicultramicroscopicalultramicroscopicallyultramicrotomeultramicrotomesultramicrotomiesultramicrotomyi hope this answered your question there sorted by; i ♥ josh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are some words that with re?

# abampere # abjure # acciaccature # accoutre # acquire # acre # acupressure # acupuncture # adhere # adjure # admeasure # admire # admixture # adore # adventure # aeciospore # affaire # afire # afore # aftercare # aglare # agriculture # airfare # albacore # albicore # allure # alongshore # ampere # antiforeclosure # antiglare # antimere # antinature # antipleasure # antiseizure # antiwelfare # antre # anymore # anywhere # aperture # apiculture # aquaculture # aquiculture # arboriculture # arcature # architecture # are # armature # armoire # armure # arthrospore # ascospore # ashore # aspire # assure # asthenosphere # atmosphere # attire # austere # aviculture # avodire # aware # azure # backfire # balefire # bandore # barbwire # bare # barre # barware # basidiospore # bathysphere # bayadere # bedsore # before # belvedere # bemire # bergere # beware # billionaire # biosphere # bistre # bizarre # blare # blastomere # blastopore # blastospore # bonfire # booklore # bookstore # bordure # bore # boutonniere # brassiere # bravure # brochure # broodmare # brushfire # bushfire # byre # cacciatore # cadastre # cadre # calenture # calibre # campfire # camphire # candidature # caneware # capture # carabiniere # care # carfare # caricature # carnivore # carpophore # carpospore # cashmere # casimere # casimire # cassimere # caviare # ceasefire # ceinture # censure # centare # centiare # centre # centromere # cere # chancre # chare # chaussure # chevelure # chevre # chimere # chinaware # chirre # chlamydospore # chore # chromatophore # chromomere # chromophore # chromosphere # cincture # cire # citriculture # claymore # clayware # closure # cloture # coadmire # cocksure # coculture # coendure # coenure # cofeature # cohere # coiffure # coinhere # coinsure # colure # commissionaire # commissure # commixture # commodore # compadre # compare # compere # composure # compradore # concessionaire # condottiere # configure # confiture # confrere # conidiophore # conjecture # conjuncture # conjure # conservatoire # consigliere # conspire # contexture # contracture # cookware # core # corsetiere # countercountermeasure # counterculture # counterfire # countermeasure # counterpressure # countersignature # courseware # couture # couturiere # coverture # crackleware # creamware # creature # crore # crossfire # ctenophore # cubature # culture # curare # cure # curvature # cynosure # dare # dasyure # daymare # debenture # decare # decentre # deciare # declare # defeature # dekare # delftware # demure # denature # denture # departure # deplore # dere # derriere # desire # diaspore # dinnerware # dioptre # dire # disclosure # discomfiture # discomposure # disfigure # dishware # disjuncture # displeasure # disposure # distemperature # divestiture # doctrinaire # dore # doublure # drawbore # drugstore # drumfire # dulcimore # dure # eagre # earthenware # ecosphere # ectomere # eglatere # elsewhere # embouchure # embrasure # emigre # empire # enamelware # enclosure # encore # endospore # endure # enquire # enrapture # ensnare # ensphere # ensure # entablature # entire # enure # epicure # epimere # erasure # ere # escritoire # esquire # etagere # euchre # evermore # everywhere # exosphere # exospore # expenditure # expire # explore # exposure # extempore # extraordinaire # eyesore # eyre # facture # failure # fanfare # fare # feature # fere # fiacre # fibre # fieldfare # figure # filature # fioriture # fire # firmware # fissure # fixture # fixure # flare # flatware # flexure # floriculture # folklore # footsore # forbore # fore # foreclosure # foreshore # foreswore # forevermore # forfeiture # forswore # fourragere # fourscore # foursquare # foxfire # fracture # freeware # frere # frore # frugivore # furniture # furore # furthermore # future # galere # galore # gametophore # garniture # geniture # genre # gesture # giftware # glaire # glare # glassware # goitre # gonophore # gonopore # gore # grandsire # graniteware # granophyre # gravure # gruyere # guipure # gunfire # gynophore # gyplure # gyre # hachure # hackamore # haltere # hangfire # hardcore # hardware # hardwire # hare # haywire # heartsore # hectare # hektare # hellebore # hellfire # hemisphere # herbivore # here # hereinbefore # heretofore # hire # holloware # hollowware # hombre # horticulture # hydrosere # hydrosphere # hyperaware # hyperpure # ignore # immature # immixture # immure # implore # imposture # impressure # improvisatore # impure # incisure # inclosure # incurvature # indenture # infare # infrastructure # inhere # injure # inquire # insectivore # insecure # inshore # insincere # insnare # insphere # inspire # insure # intercompare # interculture # interfere # intermixture # inure # investiture # involucre # ionophore # ionosphere # ire # ironware # isobare # isochore # isothere # jardiniere # jasperware # jointure # judicature # juncture # kerseymere # kinetochore # kitchenware # kore # lacquerware # lakeshore # lavaliere # lavalliere # lecture # legionnaire # legislature # leisure # leptospire # levogyre # licensure # ligature # ligure # lire # literature # lithosphere # litre # livre # lophophore # lore # louvre # lucre # luminaire # lure # lusterware # lustre # lyre # macabre # macromere # macrostructure # madre # madrepore # magistrature # magnetosphere # maigre # malgre # manicure # manoeuvre # manticore # manufacture # manure # mare # mariculture # massacre # mature # maugre # meagre # measure # medicare # mediocre # megaspore # melanophore # mere # mesomere # mesosphere # metalware # metamere # metre # meuniere # microampere # microculture # micromere # microminiature # micropore # micropuncture # microsphere # microspore # microstructure # microvasculature # milliampere # milliare # millionaire # minaudiere # miniature # mire # misadventure # miserere # misfire # mitre # mixture # moidore # moire # moisture # monoculture # more # multibillionaire # multimillionaire # multipicture # multure # mure # murre # musculature # nacre # nature # nearshore # nervure # nevermore # nightmare # nitre # nomenclature # nonarchitecture # nondisclosure # nondoctrinaire # nonforfeiture # nonglare # nonsecure # noosphere # nowhere # nunciature # nurture # obscure # ochre # oeuvre # offshore # ogre # ombre # omnivore # onshore # oosphere # oospore # ordure # ore # otherwhere # outdare # outfigure # outfire # outglare # outre # outscore # outsnore # outstare # outsware # outswore # outwore # ovenware # overbore # overcure # overdare # overexposure # overinsure # overmature # overpressure # oversure # overtire # overture # overwore # ozonosphere # padre # pandore # pare # parterre # parure # pasture # pedicure # peradventure # perdure # perjure # persevere # perspire # philtre # phosphore # photogravure # photophore # photosphere # piastre # picture # pinafore # pisciculture # pismire # planisphere # pleasure # plowshare # pneumatophore # podomere # poechore # polypore # pore # portiere # portraiture # postdivestiture # postexposure # postfire # postfracture # posture # pourboire # praemunire # precure # predeparture # prefecture # prefigure # prefire # prelature # premanufacture # premature # premeasure # premiere # prepare # prerequire # prescore # pressure # prestructure # primogeniture # prisere # procedure # procure # puncture # pure # purpure # pyre # quadrature # quaere # quagmire # quare # quatre # questionnaire # quire # rapture # rare # rasure # re # reacquire # reassure # rebore # recapture # reconfigure # reconnoitre # redware # reexplore # reexposure # refigure # refire # rehire # reinjure # reinspire # reinsure # relicensure # remanufacture # remeasure # renature # rencontre # repertoire # require # rescore # resecure # respire # restore # restructure # retexture # retire # retore # retrofire # revere # rewire # rhabdomere # rhizosphere # ricercare # rimfire # riviere # rondure # roquelaure # rotogravure # rupture # sabre # saddlesore # sagamore # saltire # samphire # sapphire # sarcomere # satire # sautoire # scalare # scare # sceptre # schliere # scissure # score # scripture # sculpture # seashore # seaware # secure # seisure # seizure # semaphore # sempre # sepulchre # sepulture # sere # sericulture # severe # share # shareware # shellfire # shire # shore # signature # signore # silverware # silviculture # simulacre # sincere # sinecure # siphonophore # sire # slipware # smoothbore # snare # snore # software # soilure # solitaire # somatopleure # sombre # somewhere # sophomore # sore # spare # spectre # spermatophore # sphere # spire # spitfire # splore # spongeware # sporangiophore # spore # sporophore # square # squire # stare # stature # stavesacre # stemware # stere # stevedore # stoneware # store # stoure # stratosphere # stricture # structure # subculture # subgenre # subliterature # subminiature # subseizure # subsere # substructure # sucre # superbillionaire # supermillionaire # supernature # supersedure # superstore # superstructure # sure # surefire # suspire # suture # sware # swore # sycamore # sycomore # sylviculture # tablature # tableware # tare # tarre # teaware # technostructure # teleutospore # teliospore # telomere # temperature # tenure # tessiture # tetraspore # texture # theatre # there # therefore # theretofore # thermosphere # thoroughfare # threadbare # threescore # tightwire # timbre # tincture # tinware # tire # titre # tonsure # torchere # tore # torture # transfigure # transpire # treasure # treenware # tressure # tripwire # trochophore # troposphere # trouvere # tubulure # tussore # tuyere # tyre # ultimogeniture # ultraminiature # ultrapure # ultrarare # ultrastructure # umpire # unaware # underexposure # underscore # underwire # undoctrinaire # unmitre # unpure # unsphere # unsure # unswore # upbore # upstare # uptore # urare # urediniospore # urediospore # uredospore # vampire # vaporware # vasculature # velure # venipuncture # venire # venture # verdure # vesture # viniculture # viticulture # vivandiere # vulture # wafture # ware # warfare # welfare # were # wetware # where # wherefore # wildfire # willowware # wire # wiseacre # woodenware # woodlore # wore # workfare # xerosere # yare # yellowware # yore # zaffre # zaire # zillionaire # zingare # zoochore # zoospore # zygospore

What are some Words that end with re?

reach react reads ready realm reals reams reaps rearm rears reata reave rebbe rebec rebel rebid rebus rebut recap recce recks recta recti recto recur redan redds redes redia redid redip redly redos redox reeds reedy reefs reeks reeky reels reest reeve refel refer refit regal regma reifs reify reign reins reive relax relay relet relic relit reman remex remit remix renal rends renew renig renin rente rents repay repel reply repos repot repps repro reran rerun resay reset resin rests retch retie retro retry reuse revel revet revue