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Examples of homophones for possessive pronouns:

  • The black coat is mine.
  • The salt mine near Krakow is a tourist attraction.
  • Mine clearing machines can safely find land mines.
  • We can mine the garage for yard sale items.
  • The grey house on the corner is ours.
  • I've been waiting here for hours.
  • The puppy is from the Browns, they gave me one of theirs.
  • There's a couple more puppies if you want one.
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4mo ago

A homophone of a possessive pronoun could be "their" and "there." Both sound alike but have different meanings; "their" indicates possession, while "there" is used to refer to a place or location.

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Q: What is a homophone of a possessive pronoun?
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What contraction is a homophone for a possessive pronoun?

"you're" is a homophone for the possessive pronoun "your."

Which homophone is a possessive pronoun and denotes belonging?

The homophone that is a possessive pronoun and denotes belonging is "its" (possessive form of "it").

What is a contraction that is a homophone for a possessive pronoun?

The homophone for the contraction it's (it is) is its, the possessive pronoun, possessive adjective form of the personal pronoun it.Examples:I think it's time to go.The dog has hurt its paw.You may be referring to the possessive pronoun its and the contraction it's.The possessive form of the personal pronoun it is its.The contraction for the subject pronoun it and the verb is is it's.Examples:The dog is wagging its tail.It's a friendly dog. (It is a friendly dog.)

What is the homophone for its?

The homophone for "its" is "it's." "Its" is a possessive pronoun, while "it's" is a contraction for "it is" or "it has."

What is a homophone for a possessive pronoun?

A homophone for a possessive pronoun is "your" and "you're." "Your" indicates possession (e.g. your book), while "you're" is the contraction of "you are" (e.g. you're going to the party).

What is a homophone for who' s?

Whose - possessive pronoun meaning belonging to whom.

What the homophone for the word their?

The homophone for the word "their" is "there." "Their" is a possessive pronoun, while "there" is an adverb indicating a place or location.

What is a homophone for a Contraction?

A homophone for a contraction is "its" and "it's". "Its" is a possessive pronoun, while "it's" is the contraction of "it is" or "it has".

What is the contraction of there is?

The contraction there's means "there is." it may be mistaken for the homophone theirs, a possessive pronoun.

Is your a contraction?

Yes, "your" is a contraction. It is short for "you are".

What is the homophone for pronoun?

The homophone for "pronoun" is "pronounce."

What contraction is a homophone for whose?

The contraction who's (who is) is pronounced the same as the possessive pronoun whose. Because who's has an apostrophe, it can be mistaken as a possessive form. But whose is used as an adjective, typically before nouns.