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9mo ago

An example of a homophone for "urn" is "earn." Both words are pronounced the same but have different meanings.

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Related questions

What is the homophone of urn?

The homophone of "urn" is "earn."

What is a homophone of earn?

A homophone of earn is urn.

What is a homophone for earn?

Urn is a homophone for earn.

What is the homophone of earn?

The homophone of earn is urn.

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erne, urn, earn

What is a homophone for the word urn?

An example of a homophone for the word "urn" is "earn." Both words sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

What is a Urn homophone?

An urn homophone is a word that sounds the same as "urn" but is spelled differently and has a different meaning, such as "earn" or "erm." Homophones are words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings.

What is a synonym for deserve and obtain that is a homophone?

A homophone synonym for "deserve" and "obtain" is "earn".

What is the homophone for a manner of walking and to gain?

The homophone for a manner of walking is "stride" and the homophone for to gain is "strive."

What are all the homophones for urn?

Some homophones for "urn" include earn, erne, and irne.

What is the homophone for um?

The homophone for "um" is "uhm." Both words are informal filler sounds used in speech to indicate hesitation or uncertainty.

Is this how you spell earn?

That is the correct spelling of earn, as in to work for reward or pay."I do not earn enough money".However, urn is the correct spelling for the vase or vessel which often contains human remains."The urn which had the Pharaoh's heart in fell off the shelf".