coarse- meaning the same thing as rough example sentences: She enjoys the feeling of coarse sand between her toes. They used a very coarse rope in the tug-of-war event and unfortunately, many children suffered abrasions on their hands.
The homophone for "course" is "coarse."
A homophone for "coarse" is "course." They sound the same but have different meanings.
The homophone for a rough golf course is "course."
A homophone for "path" is "passed."
The homophone for "course" is "coarse." "Course" refers to a direction or path, while "coarse" means rough in texture.
The homophone for "course" is "coarse."
A homophone for "coarse" is "course." They sound the same but have different meanings.
The homophone for a rough golf course is "course."
A homophone for "path" is "passed."
The homophone for "course" is "coarse." "Course" refers to a direction or path, while "coarse" means rough in texture.
A homophone for rough is "ruff," and a homophone for place of golf is "course."
A homophone for "coarse" is "course". Both words sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
coarse course
A homophone for "rough" is "ruff," and a homophone for "place for golf" is "tee."