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Thank you. I like being smart because i have a brain. Get one!


At least i have a brain because you be gettin jealous! You called the brain store and the brain rejected you

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10mo ago

"Being a nerd means I'm smart and curious, so thanks for the compliment!"

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Q: What is a good comeback if someone calls you a nerd?
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School bully who asks you what the longest word in the English language is and laughs at you and calls you a nerd Should you tell him what it is?

No, what would be the point? He would just keep calling you a nerd and feel good about himself

What does it mean if someone calls you pretty fly?

its a good thing. Pretty is being used as the word very. Fly just means cool. Example1 Usage: "That shirt is fly" Example1 Translation"="That shirt looks good" Example2 Usage: "You're pretty fly for a nerd" Example2 Translation: "You're very cool compared to most peoples opinions of a nerd"

What are some tips on how to be a nerd?

The word nerd is a slang word used to describe someone who is intelligent but single minded and obsessed with a nonsocial hobby. To be a nerd, get really good at computers and don't go outside.

Has a stereotypical Nerd ever poisoned someone to death?

im pretty sure that someone somewhere that was cassified as a nerd has poisoned someone

What do you call a nerd that people laugh at?

You're stereotyping. & someone who likes to study and get good grades shouldn't be laughed at. & to answer your question, I suppose you people would just say a "nerd".

Are you a nerd if you dress good and get good grades?

First of all I am a nerd and I like to be one second of all you couldn't be a nerd because you typed "are you a nerd if you dress good and get good grades" Instead of using "dress good, it should be dress well" And trust me if you get good grades now, you will win in life.

How do you say nerd in yiddish?

In Yiddish, you can say "klugnik" to refer to someone as a nerd.

What does nerd really mean?

a person who is a nerd is Ryan bankston.

What do you call someone who loves to study?

A nerd

Has a Nerd ever choked someone to death between his thighs?

If you consider chuck Norris a nerd Then yes!

What are the similarities between intersecting lines and perpendicular lines?

im not a nerd go ask someone that is a nerd

How do you a nerd?

A nerd is someone who knows alot about maths,science and English. If you know alot then you might be really cleaver but not a nerd. If you know lots and lots then your a nerd!!!!All the nerds are basicly Greeks as will.