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its a closed question. with only one answer.

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2mo ago

A fixed-ended question is a type of question that limits the possible responses to a set of predetermined options. It typically requires a short or single-word answer and does not encourage elaboration or open discussion. Examples include yes/no questions or multiple-choice questions.

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Q: What is a fixed ended question?
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What is open ended question and close ended question?

An open-ended question is one that requires a detailed and thoughtful response, allowing the individual to provide their own thoughts, opinions, or experiences. It usually begins with words like "how," "what," or "why." A closed-ended question, on the other hand, typically elicits a simple, specific answer such as "yes" or "no" or a specific piece of information. It often begins with words like "do," "is," or "are."

What is a closed quiestion?

A closed question is a question that can typically be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" or with a specific piece of information. These questions do not require detailed explanations or open-ended responses.

What is the relationship between open ended and close ended questions?

Open-ended questions allow for a more detailed and varied response from the respondent, while closed-ended questions limit the possible responses to predefined options. Open-ended questions are often used to gather qualitative data and explore thoughts and opinions, while closed-ended questions are useful for collecting quantitative data and providing structure to surveys or questionnaires.

Is the sentence What is your opinion on having school on Saturday's an open-ended question?

No, the sentence "What is your opinion on having school on Saturdays?" is a closed-ended question because it can be answered with a specific opinion (yes or no) rather than requiring a detailed explanation.

What is a close ended question?

A close-ended question is one that can typically be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" or a specific piece of information. These questions do not invite open-ended responses and are often used to gather specific details or facts.

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Open ended question and closed ended question as used in decision making?

A closed question is when the answer can only be Yes/No. Or when you have a predefined list of answers to choose from. An open ended question let's you answer with your own words.

What are fixed charges?

This question is unclear.

What is a close-ended question?

A close ended question is one that can be answered with yes, no , or another single word.

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What is open ended question and close ended question?

An open-ended question is one that requires a detailed and thoughtful response, allowing the individual to provide their own thoughts, opinions, or experiences. It usually begins with words like "how," "what," or "why." A closed-ended question, on the other hand, typically elicits a simple, specific answer such as "yes" or "no" or a specific piece of information. It often begins with words like "do," "is," or "are."

A question that cannot be answered with yes, no, or another single word is?

an open-ended question.

What is the difference between tenancy at will and tenancy for fixed period?

A tenancy at will can be terminated by providing a 30 day notice, generally. A fixed period lease cannot be terminated until the fixed period has ended.

What kind of question cannot be answered with yes no or another single word?

an closed-ended question

What type of question is answerable by a yes or no?

A question that can be completely answered by a simple "yes" or "no" is called a closed-ended question. A question whose answer requires more elaboration such as a explanation is called an open-ended question.

What is the fixed probability of 12?

There is insufficient information in the question to answer it. Please restate the question.

What is a question called that can be answered with yes or no?

It is typically called a closed-ended question. Open-ended questions are ones that require discussion.

After World War 2 ended what was done to reconstruct Poland?

They Fixed it up by building somthing,..