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2mo ago

The antonym for mispronounce is pronounce correctly.

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Q: What is a antonym for mispronounce?
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How do you use mispronounce in a sentence?

I mispronounce the word "entrepreneur" as "entreprenoor" every time I try to say it.

What is the prefix for pronounced?


Is it disrespectful to purposely mispronounce a name?


What is the definition of mispronounce?

To pronounce incorrectly.

Is it rude when someone corrects a word you mispronounce?

In general conversation with a friend yes it is rude to correct a word they have mispronounced. If the person is doing public speaking then they should take criticism for any word or name of person they mispronounce.

Name a coffee that people mispronounce?

For Family Feud: Cappucino Latte Espresso Mocha

What is the opposite of pronounce using a prefix?

The opposite of "pronounce" using a prefix would be "mispronounce."

What word always pronuonce wrong?

It's common for people to mispronounce the word "pronunciation."

What is a sentence with mispronounce?

The guy misprounced the girl's name. It means that the guy spelled the name wrong.

Why do so many people mispronounce the word nuclear?

Many people mispronounce the word "nuclear" by saying "nucular" because of a process called metathesis, where sounds in a word shift their order. This mistake has been popularized by prominent figures who use the incorrect pronunciation.

What is antonym of the word synonym?

The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.

What is antonym for synonym?

An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.