Complement nominative, also known as predicate nominative, is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of a sentence. It is used to complete the meaning of the subject by providing additional information or renaming it. An example would be: "She is a doctor."
To determine if the subject complement is a predicate nominative or predicate adjective, you need to analyze the function it serves in the sentence. A predicate nominative renames or identifies the subject, while a predicate adjective describes or modifies the subject. Look at the verb in the sentence - if it is a linking verb (such as "is," "was," "seems"), the subject complement is likely a predicate nominative. If the verb is an action verb, the subject complement is likely a predicate adjective.
No, "member" is not an objective complement in this context. It is functioning as a predicate nominative, renaming the subject "function."
You use pronouns in the nominative case when they are the subject of a sentence or clause, such as "he," "she," "I," "we," "they," and "you." Nominative case pronouns are used to perform the action in a sentence or indicate who or what is doing the action.
A subject complement in the nominative case functions to rename or describe the subject of a sentence, using a predicate nominative. It typically follows a linking verb, such as "be," "appear," or "seem," and helps clarify the subject's identity or characteristics. This type of construction is commonly used to emphasize equality or equivalence between the subject and the complement.
The appropriate pronoun is 'he'. In the sentence the pronoun he, takes the place of the noun 'teacher' as the subject complement following the linking verb 'will be'. A pronoun functioning as a subject complement (predicate nominative) is always a nominative (subjective) form.
A complement pronoun is a pronoun functioning as a predicate nominative (a type of subject complement).A predicate nominative is a noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.Example: The first place winner is you. (winner = you)
predicate nominative
To determine if the subject complement is a predicate nominative or predicate adjective, you need to analyze the function it serves in the sentence. A predicate nominative renames or identifies the subject, while a predicate adjective describes or modifies the subject. Look at the verb in the sentence - if it is a linking verb (such as "is," "was," "seems"), the subject complement is likely a predicate nominative. If the verb is an action verb, the subject complement is likely a predicate adjective.
Not exactly. A predicate nominative (the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates the subject of the sentence) can be a subject complement; but a subject complement can also be a predicate adjective (the adjective following a linking verb which describes the subject of the sentence).In other words, a subject complement can be a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective.
No, "member" is not an objective complement in this context. It is functioning as a predicate nominative, renaming the subject "function."
Yes it can. A subject complement follows a linking verb and modifies or refers to the subject. A subject complement may be a noun or a pronoun (predicate nominative) or an adjective (predicate adjective). Example subject complements:predicate nominative, noun: Jack is the winner.predicate nominative, pronoun: The winner is someone I know. The winner is you.predicate adjective: The winner was beautiful.
You use pronouns in the nominative case when they are the subject of a sentence or clause, such as "he," "she," "I," "we," "they," and "you." Nominative case pronouns are used to perform the action in a sentence or indicate who or what is doing the action.
perdicate nominative
Nominative case pronouns are used as:subject of a sentencesubject of a clauseobject of a verb (direct or indirect)object of a prepositionpredicate nominative (subject complement)
predicate nominative
predicate nominative
A nominative noun is a noun that functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, or as a predicate nominative (a subject complement).The nominative nouns in the sentence are cotton (the subject of the sentence) and plant (a predicate nominative, a noun that follows a linking verb and restates the subject: cotton = plant)