"You speak" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Vous parlez. Context makes clear whether the audience is of one person or more since vous translates as "you" in the singular and "you" or "you all" in the plural. The pronunciation will be "voo par-ley" in Alsatian French.
"Parlez-moi de vous" translates to "Tell me about yourself" in English. It is a common phrase used to inquire about someone's background, interests, or experiences.
"Can you speak English?" translates to "Parlez-vous anglais?" in French.
(vous) parlez means (you) speak in French.
It translates to "You speak in French too" in English.
do you speak French well is translated "parlez-vous bien français / est-ce que vous parlez bien français" in French
Parlez-vous français? in French is "Do you speak French?" in English.
Parlez-vous inglés? in mixed French (Parlez-vous [anglais]?) and Spanish ([¿Habla usted] inglés?) means "Do you speak English?" in English.
Parlez-vous français?
"Parlez-moi de vous" translates to "Tell me about yourself" in English. It is a common phrase used to inquire about someone's background, interests, or experiences.
"Can you speak English?" translates to "Parlez-vous anglais?" in French.
(vous) parlez means (you) speak in French.
It translates to "You speak in French too" in English.
do you speak French well is translated "parlez-vous bien français / est-ce que vous parlez bien français" in French
"Now you speak" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Maintenant vous parlez. Context makes clear whether the audience is of one person or more since vous translates as "you" in the singular and "you" and "you all" in the plural. The pronunciation will be "mehnt-naw voo par-ley" in Alsatian French.
The correct translation for "speak English please" in French is "parlez anglais s'il vous plaît."
Do you speak English? = Parlez-vous anglais?
"Parlez-vous anglais ?"