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"Today is Thursday!" in English is Aujourd'hui c'est jeudi! in French.

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Aujourd'hui c'est jeudi.

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Q: What is 'Today is Thursday' when translated from English to French?
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What is 'today's' when translated from English to French?

"Today's" in English is d'aujourd'hui in French.

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"Today, it was..." in English is Aujourd'hui, il a été... . in French.

What is 'aujourd'hui' when translated from French to English?

Aujourd'hui in French means "today" in English.

What is 'today' when translated from English to French?

"Today" in English is aujourd'hui, pronounced "o-zhoor-dwee," in French.

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"Today's lessons" in English is les cours d'aujourd'huiin French.

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"Not today, sir!" in English is Pas aujourd'hui, Monsieur! in French.

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"What are you doing today?" in English is Que faites-vous aujourd'hui? in French.

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"That is all for today!" in English is C'est tout pour aujourd'hui! in French.

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"I have missed you today!" in English is Tu m'as manqué aujourd'hui! in French.

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"I am fine today!" in English is Je vais très bien aujourd'hui! in French.

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"Today, we did a bit of..." in English is Aujourd'hui, on a fait un peu de... in French.

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"I am in the office today!" in English is Aujourd'hui, je suis au bureau! in French.