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Yes, if 80 percent of people in a culture speak Spanish then that language is part of the culture.

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Yes, if a large majority of people in a culture speak Spanish, it is likely that the language is an integral part of that culture. Language plays a significant role in shaping cultural identity, communication, and social interactions within a community.

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Q: What if 80 percent of people in a culture speak Spanish then that language is likely part of the culture?
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If 80 percent of people in a culture speak Spanish then the language is likely part of what type of culture?


If 80 percent of people in a culture speak spanish then that language is likely part of the what culture?

If 80 percent of people in a culture speak Spanish, then that language is likely part of the dominant or prevalent culture within that community. It could also be a key aspect of the shared cultural identity of the population.

If 80 of people in a culture speak Spanish then that language is likely part of the..?

If 80% of people in a culture speak Spanish, then that language is likely part of the dominant or official language in that culture.

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A culture trait is a specific aspect of a culture that is shared by a group of people, such as language, customs, or beliefs. Language is likely one of the most common and influential culture traits, as it shapes how people communicate, express ideas, and understand the world around them.

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