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In oral communication, I have learned the importance of clarity, active listening, and non-verbal cues. Effective communication involves being articulate, understanding the other person's perspective, and paying attention to body language and tone to ensure effective message delivery and reception.

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Q: What have you learn in oral communication?
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Why do teachers need to have good oral communication skills?

Teachers need good oral communication skills to clearly explain concepts, engage students in learning, provide effective feedback, and create a positive classroom environment. Clear communication helps students understand complex topics, fosters collaboration, and enhances overall learning experiences.

What is the first form of communication?

The first form of communication used by humans is believed to be verbal communication through speech. Over time, humans developed written language and various forms of non-verbal communication such as gestures and facial expressions.

Why speech and oral is important?

Speech and oral communication are important for effective interpersonal and professional interactions. They allow individuals to express ideas, convey emotions, and build relationships. Effective speech and oral communication skills are essential in both personal and professional settings.

What is oral or aural method?

The oral method focuses on learning through speaking and listening, emphasizing oral communication skills. The aural method emphasizes listening comprehension and understanding spoken language. Both methods are common in language learning and can help develop fluency and communication skills.

Characteristics of oral communication?

Oral communication involves speaking and listening, allowing for immediate feedback and clarification. It can convey emotions, tone, and nonverbal cues through voice inflection and body language. Oral communication is often dynamic, interactive, and can help build relationships and trust.