"Verlang" is a German word that translates to "longing" or "yearning" in English. It describes a strong feeling of desire or craving for something.
The question "Por que la pregunta mean in English" translates to "Why does the question mean in English?" in English.
"Nossa" in English translates to "our" or "ours."
"Soy ingles" means "I am English" in English.
"I am drinking" in English.
I want you is an English equivalent of 'Ik verlang naar jou'. And 'verlang(en)' is desire in English.
Ek verlang vir jy (say: Ek farr-lung-farr-yay)
Jy is weird. ek verlang na jou
For whom are you so blatantly (outwardly) longing?
Chantelle wonder hoekom mens die emosie van verlang het? Dis nie lekke...ma dankie tog vir sonskyn wat als beter maakChantelle wonders why people have the emotion of "longing for someone" (longing)? It is not nice... but thank you for being the sunshine that makes everything better.
Fukushima, K. Muscle Relaxants: Physiologic and Pharmacologic Aspects, 1st Edition, Heidelberg: Springer Verlang, 1995.
What does Kayla mean in english
what does okinwana mean english
What mean in lazo in english
well it depends on what you mean by english if you mean english subtitles than YES, but if you mean spoken in english NO
Colloquial= Ek mis jou. (say: ek miss yo) Formal= Ek verlang na jou. (say: ek farr-lung naah yo)
What does oh a waste mean in English