If you were really pissed with something and somebody started to laugh at you, you'd say something like this.
The Brazilian Portuguese word "vai" means "go" in English. It is often used as a command or to express movement or action.
"Up yours" can be translated to Portuguese as "vรก se foder" or "vai te foder", which are both vulgar ways to express the same sentiment.
"Como vai" is a Portuguese phrase that translates to "How are you" in English. It is commonly used as a greeting to inquire about someone's well-being or to start a conversation.
The Brazilian Portuguese equivalent of the English question 'How are you' is Como vai voce?, or Como vai? The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: KOH-moo vi voh-SAY. The word-by-word meaning of the sentence in Portuguese is the following: 'como' means 'how'; 'vai' 'goes'; and 'voce' 'you'. In Portuguese, subject pronouns don't have to be used if the meaning is clear. For the ending -i tells listeners that the speaker is one of the third person choices of 'he', 'she', 'it', or 'you'.
The Portuguese equivalent of the English question 'How is it going' is the following: Como vai. The Portuguese pronunciation is the folloiwng: KOH-moo veye*. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'como' means 'how'l and 'vai' means '[It] goes'. *The sound is like the 'I' sound in the subject pronoun 'I', or the way the English word 'eye' is pronounced.
It's Brazilian portuguese for "go f* your yourself".
Como vai ?Como está você ?Como vai indo ?All of them mean How are you ?"Como você está?"
The Brazilian Portuguese word "vai" means "go" in English. It is often used as a command or to express movement or action.
In Portuguese = Como vai? OR Como vai você?
"Up yours" can be translated to Portuguese as "vรก se foder" or "vai te foder", which are both vulgar ways to express the same sentiment.
Portugal - Como vai tua família? Brazil- Como vai a sua família?
You are going well with your portuguese language.
Como vai o trabalho?
"It's going to be good!" is a literal English equivalent of the Portuguese phrase Vai ser bom! The pronunciation will be "VEYE seh bo" in carioca Brazilian and continental Portuguese.
Como vai você hoje ?
Adormecer or Vai Dormir
"Como vai" is a Portuguese phrase that translates to "How are you" in English. It is commonly used as a greeting to inquire about someone's well-being or to start a conversation.