"Kei Whangarei toku kainga noho" means "Whangarei is my place of residence" in Maori.
You would say "Ko Alex toku ingoa" in Maori to mean "My name is Alex".
The Maori translation for "I love you" is "Aroha ahau ki a koe."
You would say "Ko [Your Name] ahau" in Maori to mean "My name is [Your Name]".
The phrase "Welcome to my world" can be translated to Maori as "Nau mai ki toku ao."
"Kei Whangarei toku kainga noho" means "Whangarei is my place of residence" in Maori.
You would say "Ko Alex toku ingoa" in Maori to mean "My name is Alex".
'Ki toku whanau'.
The Maori translation for "I love you" is "Aroha ahau ki a koe."
You would say "Ko [Your Name] ahau" in Maori to mean "My name is [Your Name]".
The phrase "Welcome to my world" can be translated to Maori as "Nau mai ki toku ao."
Ko Jeamae Jones Darasin toku ingoa.
The Maori translation for "my name is" is "Ko ______ toku ingoa" where you would insert your name in the blank space.
ingoa e.g. Ko wai toku ingoa?/ What is your name?
ko (name) toku ingoa
Ko (name your waka, i.e Aotea) toku waka means "Aotea is my waka". It is a part of a pepeha....In Maori tikanga, when you go through your whakawhanaungatanga (meet n greet), in a nut shell you tell people not only your name, but your parents names, your tribe (iwi), sub tribe (hapu), the canoe that your ancestors arrived on (waka), etc.
Inu pai = good drink , Tino pai toku inu = My Great drink :) Kei te pai! Okay !