The suffix "toco" is defined as a formative element that denotes "childbirth" or "childbearing," often used to form words related to pregnancy, childbirth, or obstetrics.
It means "I sing and play an instrument in music class" in Spanish.
"Treinta" means thirty in Spanish.
"Los quiero" in Spanish means "I love them" when referring to a group of people.
In Spanish, the name Katherine is typically translated as Catalina.
In Spanish, "toco" means "I touch".
Toco piano.
Toco el violín
Toco la guitara
No toco la guitarra
Suono as "I am playing (I do play, I play)" and Tocco as "I am touching (I do touch, I touch)" are Italian equivalents of the Spanish present indicative verb Toco. The respective pronunciations will be "swo-NA-rey" and "tok-KA-rey" in Italian and "TO-ko" in Spanish.
toco la guitarra baja. Means i play bass guitar in spanish. Good Luck
Toco le toucan.
Toco Municipality's population is 6,705.
gorillas eat toco toucan
The toco toucan is a omnivore.
yes, the toco toucans are very rare.