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A thesaurus is a reference book that lists words and their synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings). It is commonly used to find alternative words to use in writing or help expand vocabulary.

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Q: What does thesauras mean?
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Where can you find synonyms for the word because?

in the thesauras.

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the synonym ofor omnivores is"Thesauras"

What opposite of humble?

According to the thesauras the opposite of humble is arrogant.

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the answer is dictionary

What are some antonyms for alias?

Pseudonym, nickname... title?..... Look it up in a thesauras.

What is opposit of humble?

According to the thesauras the opposite of humble is arrogant.

What nicknames did Malcolm Xerxes go by?

Malcolm Xerxes went by Mr. X, and Don Juan Thesauras.

What is a thsaurus?

A thesaurus is a reference book that lists words and their synonyms and antonyms. It is a useful tool for writers, students, and anyone looking to expand their vocabulary or find alternative words to use in their writing.

What is the difference between Spell Check and the Thesaurus?

Spell check checks and reports misspellings. A Thesaursus gives alternate words with similar meanings. For example: irritated - angry, mad

What are some words describing bush fires?

Ha ha ha, what a great question! There are many ways to describe a fire. However, I believe that you should use a thesauras (you have a brain, why not use it!). Some of these include hot, burning, really hot and warm. I hope I helped you!! Goodluck with you quest on finding the answer to this fantastic question! :)

What is another word for spotted and saw?

see,watch,discoverWrong! those are not synonyms because they are all present tenses, making them improper synonyms. Here are some which are proper synonyms for saw:PerceivedSeenWatchedNoticedViewedWitnessedStared

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean