The root word "-tain" means to hold or keep. It is commonly seen in words like "contain," "obtain," and "sustain."
The root word that means 'like' is "simil."
The root word that means hair is "trich."
The word root that means change is "morph."
The root word for "triad" is the Greek word "triás," which means "a group of three."
The root/base word is tent. Tent means to hold or keep.
The root word "-tain" means to hold or keep. It is commonly seen in words like "contain," "obtain," and "sustain."
it means air and it is a Latin root word
The root word that means 'like' is "simil."
The root word that means hair is "trich."
The word root that means change is "morph."
The root word for "triad" is the Greek word "triás," which means "a group of three."
The term "perservant" does not have a standard definition in the English language. It appears to be a misspelling or a typographical error of the word "perseverant," which means showing persistence and determination in the face of challenges. It is derived from the verb "persevere," which means to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.
The root word of coronation is "corona," which means crown in Latin.
The root word "xero" means dry or lacking water.
The root word that means testes is "orchid" or "orchi".
The root word that means "ask" is "rogare" from Latin.