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The rest of the week typically refers to the days following the current day until the end of the week, which is usually considered to be Saturday or Sunday depending on when your week starts.

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It depends on your country and when "the rest of the week" is. Feel free to re-ask with the missing information.

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Next week

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the week after the current week

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Anomalous data is data that doesn't fit with the rest of the set. Ex: In week one the tree was 2ft. tall , in week two the tree was 6ft. tall, and in week three the tree was 5ft. tall. Week two would be the anomalous data because it doesn't fit with the other data. I hope this helps!

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Different religions have different days of rest. Muslims have their day of rest on Friday, Jews have their day of rest on Saturday, and Christians have their day of rest on Sunday.

When someone says next week on a Sunday what do they mean?

They mean the upcoming week.

Which day of the week is to rest?

Sunday is the day of rest in most western countries, it is a day of worship as Sunday is the Lord's day.

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a cold the flu

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Saturday and Sunday the rest are we*k days

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What is the day of rest?

The seventh day of the week is the day of rest. Jews call it the sabbath day. The day of rest is to symbolise when God created the universe and that on the 7th day he rested.

If you were just working out yesterday should you rest or workout again?

Workout for a few days every day for a week then rest on weekend.