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The prefix "non" means "not" or "without." It is used to indicate negation or absence of something.

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Q: What does the prefix nun mean?
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Who was Yehoshua ben Nun?

Yehoshua bin Nun (not "ben"), is the full Hebrew name of Joshua, who was the chief disciple of Moses (Numbers ch.27) and who led the Israelites into the Holy Land (Joshua ch.3-4). He lived 3250 years ago.More info:"Bin Nun" and "Ben Nun" (the Hebrew prefix)both mean 'SONof Nun'. (Numbers 11:28)(Deuteronomy 1:38)(Joshua 1:1). Nun, Joshua's father, was the son of Elishama of the tribe of Ephraim (1 Chronicles 7:20,26+27).Just FYI, the term 'Bar' was the Aramaic prefix for the word 'son' (such as in Barnabas-meaning 'Son of Comfort'(Acts 4:36))

What is the opposite of a nun?

The male equivalent of a nun is a monk, or a priest. However if you mean the opposite of an nun spiritually, that would be an atheist.

What does nun mean in text?

It mean nothing... :P

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What does German word nun mean in English?

The German word "nun" translates to "now" in English.

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The prefix ap- mean to or toward. One word with this prefix is appetite.

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What does nun mean in a different language?

The equivalent of Nun of the Catholique Church is Kalogrea of the East Orthodox Church

What does the Yiddish word nun mean in English?

The nun is a letter from the Hebrew alphabet - there's also a final nun, which always appears at the end of a Hebrew word.

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What does Suora mean in Italian?

It means Nun.