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The prefix "irr" typically means not or without, suggesting a lack of correctness or regularity in the word it precedes.

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Q: What does the prefix irr mean?
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What are the words that start with the prefix irr?

irrelplaceable, ireesponsible. sorry, thats all i can think of :(

Example of prefix ir?

Examples of prefixes ir are irresponsible , irregular ,

What is ungeared IRR?

irr after interest

What doed a negative IRR mean?

That you are loosing value on the investment at that rate per year.

How tall is Tim Irr?

Tim Irr is 6' 1 1/2".

Additivity property of IRR?

You should not be ADDICTED to property of IRR anyways!!stop it!! well you cant...

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Christopher Irr was born on September 13, 1984, in Portsmouth, Virginia, USA.

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The prefix ap- mean to or toward. One word with this prefix is appetite.

What is IRR reinvestment rate assumption?

The IRR reinvestment rate assumption is the mistaken assumption that the IRR of a project implicitly assumes that all positive cash flows from the project that occur in periods before the end of the project will be reinvested at the rate of IRR per period until the end of the project.

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What is the effect on IRR if cost of capital decreased?

A change in the cost of capital will not, typically, impact on the IRR. IRR is measure of the annualised effective interest rate, or discount rate, required for the net present values of a stream of cash flows to equal zero. The IRR will not be affected by the cost of capital; instead you should compare the IRR to the cost of capital when making investment decisions. If the IRR is higher than the cost of capital the project/investment should be viable (i.e. should have a positive net present value - NPV). If the IRR is lower than the cost of capital it should not be undertaken. So, whilst a higher cost of capital will not change the IRR it will lead to fewer investment decisions being acceptable when using IRR as the method of assessing those investment decisions.