It means "I want to tell you that I miss you" in Spanish.
"Que te quiero" means "I love you" in Spanish.
"Lo mucho que te quiero" and "que te adoro" both mean "how much I love you" in Spanish, expressing deep affection and adoration towards someone.
"Lo que quiero" translates to "what I want" in English. It expresses a desire or preference for something specific.
"Y es que te quiero uo" is not a standard phrase in Spanish, and it appears to include a misspelling or a typo. "Yo te quiero" means 'I love you' and "u" is not a typical addition to that phrase in Spanish.
I think you mean 'dame lo que quiero'. That's Spanish for 'Give me what I want'.
Quiero casarme contigo
"por que no puede ver que lo que quiero" in Spanish means "so that you can't see what I want" or "so that he/she can't see what I want"
Translation: I want that you…
"I want that tonight…"
It means "give me what I want."
Do you know that I like you ?
I want you to know that we are friends.
You meant: ...QUE SEPAS QUE... Quiero que sepas que te estimo --- I want you to know I appreciate you (informal you singular)
It means "I want to tell you that I miss you" in Spanish.
quiero que estemos / quiero que seamos
because I always want what you can not