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Why shouldn't you live in Daygo?

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Q: What does pourquoi faire ne vous venez pas habitez en daygo mean in English?
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Pourquoi faire veut vous savoir?

This sentence is gibberish. It looks like a mistranslation of "Why do you want to know" which would be Pourquoi voulez-vous savoir ?

How do you say why do you have a brown head in french?

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How do you say 'why not' in French?

some suggestions: à quoi bon (faire ça) ? pourquoi s'embêter (à faire ça) ? ça ne vaut pas le coup ça sert à quoi ?

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First of all it sould be written as such "pourquoi avez vous fait du mal" and it means: why did you make harm

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Faire in French is "to do" in English.

What has the author Tewfik Guerroudj written?

Tewfik Guerroudj has written: 'Pourquoi faire de l'urbanisme?' -- subject(s): City planning, Urban Sociology

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What do you like to do? J'aime regarder la tele et joue au tennis. pourquoi

What is 'to do well' when translated from English to French?

"To do well" in English is bien faire or faire bien in French.

What is the English translation of faire la cuisine?

Faire la cuisine means to cook in English.

What does trucs à faire mean in English?

Des trucs à faire is 'things to do, stuff to do' in English.

What does faire in french mean in English?

bonjour faire vous besoin a baiser

What is 'Pourrait faire plus' when translated from French to English?

Pourrait faire plus... in French means "Could do better..." in English.