The pervasive smell of smoke lingered in the air long after the fire had been put out.
The pervasive feeling of anomie in society was evident in the increasing rates of crime and social unrest.
ubiquitous, omnipresent, pervasive, prevalent
The Swahili word "sana" means "very" in English. It is used to intensify the following word or phrase in a sentence.
In this context, the word "minute" means very small or insignificant.
Pervasive means something that is unwelcome and widely spread. Racism is as pervasive today as it was in the 1950s; this is an example of the term in a sentence.
The pervasive smell of smoke lingered in the air long after the fire had been put out.
prevasive is the matter of fact.
Corruption was pervasive throughout the Dept.
Pervasive means that it is found everywhere. Cellphones seem to be a pervasive technology these days; you see them everywhere.
Spring has pervaded the air. you may use pervaded in your sentence.
"Pervasive" means spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people. There is also a connotation of insistence or intransigence.
first look what the word means then write the sentence
Sentence: I don't know what the word Sumerians means. :)
Similitude means... and then just say what it means thats a sentence
I do not know what causes inconsistent means That is a sentence with the word inconsistent in :)
I Don't Know What The Word Recession means. Theres Your Sentence