"La bas" means "over there" in English.
"Le garçon là-bas" in French translates to "the boy over there" in English.
The root "bas" comes from Latin and means "low" or "bottom". It is commonly used in English words like basement or base.
The French words "là-bas" mean "over there" or "there" in English. It is used to indicate a location that is farther away from the speaker.
"Les Pays Bas" translates to "the Low Countries" in English. It refers to the region comprising Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
"Ã bas..." means "down with ..."
This looks like either "text speak" or very poor Spanish. It is probably "Yo creo que ya no vas a venir. Adios." That translates to "I don't thing you are coming now. Goodbye."
"La bas" means "over there" in English.
"eh là -bas" means 'hey, you there' in French.
"pieces en bas" means "lower parts".
'On s'aimerait tout bas' is French for 'we would whisper'.
'and the bottom'
Bás means 'death'.
go over there
down, downstairs
It means Down in English