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An apostrophe after a word ends in a single s generally indicates a plural (word with) possessive, or plural possessive.
The boy had a hat. (singular)

The boy's hat was red. (singular possessive)

The boys had bikes. (singular)

The boys' bikes were all racing bikes. (plural possessive)

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If an apostrophe is after an s, it typically indicates possession or a contraction. For possession, it shows that something belongs to the noun immediately before the apostrophe. In contractions, it signifies that letters have been removed to combine two words into one.

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When do you put an apostrophe s after a word?

An apostrophe followed by an "s" is used to indicate possession or ownership of something. For example, "Mary's book" indicates that the book belongs to Mary. It is also used to create contractions, such as "can't" for "cannot."

Were is a apostrophe s in your keybord?

The apostrophe key can typically be found on the keyboard to the right of the semicolon (;) key, next to the Enter key. To type an apostrophe followed by "s" (apostrophe's), simply press the apostrophe key followed by the letter "s" on your keyboard.

What is the punctuation mark used for in candidate's?

The apostrophe and letter "s" at the end of the word indicate possession by a single noun, the candidate. "Candidate" without the apostrophe or "s" is a single noun; if the "s" were included, but there was no apostrophe ("candidates"), the word would be a plural noun meaning more than one candidate. If the apostrophe were to follow the "s" ("candidates' "), it would mean that multiple candidates possess something.

Is there an apostrophe in governors?

Not in that sentence. If you mean "something belonging to the governor", then it should have an apostrophe. If you mean "more than one governor" then it should not. (If you mean something belonging to more than one governor, then it should have one, but it should be after the s instead of before it.)

Do you put an apostrophe after S's?

Yes, when creating the possessive form of a singular noun that ends in "s," you can either add an apostrophe followed by another "s" (S's) or just an apostrophe (S'). Both forms are considered correct.

Related questions

What does a apostrophe before a s mean?

it means the word is singular possessive

Does a apostrophe s mean more then one?

First of all, it's, "Does an apostrophe "-s" mean more than one?" Second of all, it does not mean more than one. It is only used to show possession. For example: "Lisa's bicycle tires are wearing down." For more than one, only add "-s." If there is already and "-s" at the end, just add an apostrophe.

What does it mean when you put the apostrophe at the end of a word?

It means there is already an "s" at the end of the word

When do you put an apostrophe s after a word?

An apostrophe followed by an "s" is used to indicate possession or ownership of something. For example, "Mary's book" indicates that the book belongs to Mary. It is also used to create contractions, such as "can't" for "cannot."

How do you write a sentence that uses the possessive case of a plural noun ending in s?

You have to have an " 's " if you are meaning for it to be possessive. For example: Mike's book is heavy. If the word already ends in a 's', then the apostrophe ( ' ) goes after it. For example: the students' books are heavy. apostrophe 's' can also be mean 'is'. For example: He's doing his homework. For the possessive case, just make sure that the item being possessed is right after the word that has the apostrophe 's' or 's' apostrophe. I hope this helps

What is the difference between parent's and parents'?

Parents (no apostrophe) is plural.Parent's (apostrophe s) is singular possessive.Parents' (s apostrophe) is plural possessive.

Were is a apostrophe s in your keybord?

The apostrophe key can typically be found on the keyboard to the right of the semicolon (;) key, next to the Enter key. To type an apostrophe followed by "s" (apostrophe's), simply press the apostrophe key followed by the letter "s" on your keyboard.

What is the punctuation mark used for in candidate's?

The apostrophe and letter "s" at the end of the word indicate possession by a single noun, the candidate. "Candidate" without the apostrophe or "s" is a single noun; if the "s" were included, but there was no apostrophe ("candidates"), the word would be a plural noun meaning more than one candidate. If the apostrophe were to follow the "s" ("candidates' "), it would mean that multiple candidates possess something.

Can you put an apostrophe s after Wisconsin?

Yes if it will mean ownership of Wisconsin. Example: Wisconsin's population

What does an apostrophe mean after the final s in Jesus'?

Usually when someone's name ends in an "s", the apostrophe is placed after the "s" because the name is hard to pronounce otherwise. Jesus' is easier to say than Jesus's. The aposstrophe is showing possession of something.

Is there an apostrophe in governors?

Not in that sentence. If you mean "something belonging to the governor", then it should have an apostrophe. If you mean "more than one governor" then it should not. (If you mean something belonging to more than one governor, then it should have one, but it should be after the s instead of before it.)

Should youhave space once after an apostrophe?

If the word ends in apostrophe s or ends in s apostrophe, then there is NO space before or after the apostrophe, but always a space before the next word.