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"Hasło" in Polish means "password" in English.

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Q: What does haslo mean in polish?
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What is haslo?

its Polish for password

What does yakishimaz mean in polish?

"Yakishimaz" is not a Polish word. It does not have a known meaning in the Polish language.

What does mad mean in polish?

"Mad" in Polish is "szalony".

What is the plural form of polish?

If you mean Polish people - it's Poles. If you mean the cleaning spray or liquid, then it's simply polish.

What does Da mean in polish?

Da is not Polish. It is Russian for yes. The Polish equivalent is Tak.

What does your name mean in Polish?

Names do not have meanings in Polish

What does bardos mean in polish?

Nothing - it's not a Polish word.

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"Bottle" in Polish means "butelka".

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"Frank" in Polish is "Franciszek" or "Franek".

What does niedziela mean in polish?

Niedziela means "Sunday" in Polish.

What does the Polish word to mean?

The Polish word "to" translates to "this" or "it" in English.

What does yoshu mean in Polish?

In Polish, "yoshu" doesn't have a specific meaning. It is not a recognized Polish word.