It's a general-purpose insult in Portuguese-speaking countries. Don't use it, please.
Cool itself, unless you are using it to mean mildly cold, is a slang word. Just because it is old slang doesn't mean that it is not still slang.
ColossalGinormousHumongousWhopper (can mean huge, or can mean a big lie)
"Slang ops" is a term that is commonly used in gaming and refers to slang operations or slang tactics. It can refer to a group of players using slang or casual language, or it can mean utilizing unconventional and creative strategies in a game.
In slang, "rubber" can refer to a condom.
"To hit the head" is military slang for going to the restroom. It is also used in other contexts outside of the military to mean the same thing.
portugues for SOB (son of b****)
If you mean slang as in internet slang, then it means "Certified Old Fart".
Slang is slang It's the s' "LANG " uage.
In old slang, milkshake mean butt.
Dough is a slang word for money.
he means what does being a sponge mean in slang
It is slang for having sex.
Cool itself, unless you are using it to mean mildly cold, is a slang word. Just because it is old slang doesn't mean that it is not still slang.
BTM is a slang acronym for "Be There Moment."
Tat is also slang for tattoo
That is not slang, it is a clear plastic sheet.
Potted is slang for very drunk.