You are doing right now. It looks like you might have picked up a quesxtion and dropped the first word meaning "what"....
¿Qué estás haciendo ahorito?
"Que estas haciendo" translates to "What are you doing" in English.
"¿Qué estás haciendo en este momento?" in Spanish translates to "What are you doing at this moment?"
"¿Qué estás haciendo, mija?" is Spanish for "What are you doing, dear?" or "What are you up to, sweetie?" It is a casual way of asking someone what they are currently occupied with.
Estoy respondiendo preguntas. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?
Estoy asistiendo al chat y respondiendo preguntas.
"donde estas ahorita te hablo" means where you are now I speak to you
"Que estas haciendo" translates to "What are you doing" in English.
I wish that you were here right now.
It should be : Que estas haciendo? = What are you doing? Calentando la cena? = Reheating dinner? guapisima = most beautiful
"You are (literally) doing yourself/becoming/growing."
'What are you doing' translates to 'Lo que es usted haciendo' in Spanish. what are you doing? --> ¿Qué estas haciendo?.
"¿Qué estás haciendo en este momento?" in Spanish translates to "What are you doing at this moment?"
Que haces? or Que estas haciendo?
"Que haces?" or "Que estas haciendo?"
"¿Qué estás haciendo, mija?" is Spanish for "What are you doing, dear?" or "What are you up to, sweetie?" It is a casual way of asking someone what they are currently occupied with.
Estoy respondiendo preguntas. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?
estas haciendo te? (ehstahs ahseeehndo teh?)