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The slang term means to be enclosed or detained in a relatively small or confined space, or with limited freedom of movement. It comes from the verb form meaning to confine chickens in a coop or cage.

It has also been used to mean imprisoned, or jailed.

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10mo ago

"Cooped up" means being confined or restricted in a small or crowded space, often for a prolonged period of time. It can also refer to feeling restless or frustrated due to being stuck indoors.

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Q: What does cooped up mean?
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What does cooped in the house mean?

"Cooped in the house" means being confined or limited to staying indoors for an extended period of time. It often refers to feeling restless or trapped due to being unable to go outside or be free.

What does pick up mean?

It depends on the context. It can mean to physically pick something up in your hands or arms. It can mean to feel better. It can mean to clean up an area by picking up debris or clutter. It can mean to pay the bill or "pick up" the cheque. It can mean to casually attract someone romantically or sexually. It can mean to acquire or learn something without formal study or arrangements. It can mean to detect something. It can mean to attractively accentuate another item. It can also be a noun. It can mean a type of truck. It can mean the act of doing any of the above meanings. It can mean the reception of signals by electronic apparatus. It can mean a device that produces an electrical signal in response to some other signal.

What does the french word leve mean?

The word "levé" in French can have a few meanings depending on the context. It can mean "raised" or "lifted" as in "lever les mains" (raise your hands), or it can mean "standing up" as in "être levé" (to be up).

How do you say in Arabic I will stand up?

You would say "سأقف" to mean "I will stand up" in Arabic.

How do you say what's up or how's it hanging in french?

In French, you can say "Ça va ?" to mean "What's up?" or "Comment ça va ?" to mean "How's it hanging?"

Related questions

How do you use cooped up in a sentence?

'I feel cooped up like a chicken in a cage' Cooped up means confined or imprisoned.

What is a sentence for the word cooped?

The kids have been cooped up in the house for three rainy days.

What is meaning of cooped up?

"Cooped up" means to be confined or restricted in a small or crowded space, often resulting in feelings of confinement or irritation.

What are the release dates for Gumby Adventures - 1988 All Cooped Up?

Gumby Adventures - 1988 All Cooped Up was released on: USA: 10 September 1988

What is another word cooped?

you are locked up in a tight space ~ locked up

How do you use cooped in a sentence?

The child went home, where she knew that she would be cooped up in her room all day long as she listened to her parents never-ending bickering.

What does cooped in the house mean?

"Cooped in the house" means being confined or limited to staying indoors for an extended period of time. It often refers to feeling restless or trapped due to being unable to go outside or be free.

Why do domestic birds like a mirror?

It gives them the illusion of company, especially if they are kept cooped up alone in a cage.

What rhymes with scrupulous?

Cooped with this, unscrupulous,

What makes a person shy or outgoing?

Usually When They Are Cooped Up In The House A Lot Watching TV Or Playing Video Games

What is the process of layer chickens in Australia?


Why do kids misbehave when the weather is bad?

Probably because they are cooped up inside and need to use up their abundant energy. Make them play in the rain I suppose.