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Like this dum dum(!)

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10mo ago

An exclamation mark is a punctuation mark that looks like a vertical line with a dot at the top (!). It is used in writing to indicate strong feelings, emphasis, or excitement.

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End mark what does it look like?

Period - . Exclamation Point - ! Question Mark - ?

What punctuation is used look out for that swerving car?

! ! Like this: "LOOK OUT FOR THAT SWERVING CAR"! An exclamation mark. (!)

Period after exclamation mark?

No, do not put a period after a exclamation mark, it would make you look stupid!.

What does a imperative mark look like?

An exclamation mark (!) is used to indicate emphasis or excitement in written language. It usually comes at the end of a sentence and is often referred to as an exclamation point.

What does an exclamation mark look like?

An exclamation mark (!) is a punctuation mark that resembles a straight line with a dot above it. It is used in writing to indicate strong feelings of surprise, excitement, or emphasis.

Is it explanation point or explanation mark?

someone else- It is an exclamation mark. me- well i think it would be an exclamation point because at the end of the thing it has a dot. Like a point. So i think it should be a point and not a mark. me- But exclamation mark is what it is called.

Do you leave a space before an exclamation mark?

No, the exclamation mark should come right after the word like so: Stop!

What does look like low tire pressure warning light on 2004 Toyota Highlander?

An orange circle with an exclamation mark in it.

What year was the exclamation mark invented in?

what year was the exclamation mark invented in

Pokemon FireRed unown?

These Pokemon can be found in the tanoby chambers on seven island these Pokemon look like the alphabet if you look carefully in the monean and viapois chamber you can find an exclamation mark and question mark unown.

What is the sentence for exclamation?

in sentences there can be an exclamation mark in it!

How do you insert an upside down exclamation mark in a Microsoft word document?

An upside down exclamation mark could be written as an "i". EX: (exclamation mark)=! (upside down exclamation mark)=i The "upside down exclamation mark" is really the letter "I" but lower case.