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A declarative sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. It typically makes a statement or conveys information.

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Q: What does a declarative start with?
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Related questions

Do declarative sentences start with a small letter?

No, declarative sentences should start with a capital letter. This is a basic grammar rule that applies to written English.

When did the declarative of independence start?

it started in the independance in the halls of philadelphia

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How do you write a declarative interrogative sentence?

To write a declarative interrogative sentence, you can start with a statement and follow it with a question. For example: "You are going to the party, right?" This type of sentence combines the structure of a declarative statement with the function of asking a question.

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What is the symbol for declarative?

The symbol for declarative is usually a period or full stop (.), indicating the end of a declarative sentence.

What is a declarative language?

Declarative language is language that states something. A declarative statement always ends with a period.

Can you give me a declarative sentence?

I can give you many declarative sentences.(declarative) The dog walked down the street.(declarative) The cat puts socks in the dog bowl.(declarative) It is hard to do a toddler's hair. The curtains fell down.

What punctuation mark is placed after a declarative sentence?


Is he has ten finger and ten toes an declarative?

It is a declarative.

How careless of you to forget the soap is that a declarative sentence?

Yes, that is a declarative sentence. It makes a statement or expresses an opinion without posing a question or giving a command.

Is 'What time does the movie start' a declarative sentence?

No, it's an interrogative sentence, meaning, it asks a question. Declarative sentences make a statement: The movie starts at 4:30. The scissors are on the kitchen table. The cat has pooped on the stairs.