V CV is a spelling pattern that refers to a word with a vowel-consonant-vowel pattern. This pattern typically indicates that the first vowel is short and the second vowel is silent. Examples of words with the V CV pattern include "tiger" and "lemon."
The word "closet" is structured as VC CV, with the consonant cluster "cl" followed by the vowel-consonant sequence "o-se."
"Ahlan CV" in Arabic loosely translates to "Welcome, CV" in English, with "ahlan" meaning welcome and "CV" referring to a curriculum vitae or resume.
The correct spelling for "heavily" is H-E-A-V-I-L-Y.
The correct spelling of "gravitate" is G-R-A-V-I-T-A-T-E.
To tell you the truth I am stuck on this so all I can say is HARD! If I had my spelling professor her today I would be grateful!
v cv
Vc v
v cv
v cv
Is equal a v/cv word
Is equal a v/cv word