"Portuguese" can refer to the language spoken in Portugal and many other countries, as well as anything relating to Portugal or its people.
"Contigo" in Portuguese means "with you."
The word "mean" in Portuguese can be translated as "cruel" or "maldoso" when referring to someone being unkind or hurtful.
"Limpo" in Portuguese translates to "clean" in English.
In Portuguese, you say "delicioso" to mean delicious.
that is not a Portuguese word.
This is an unknown name in Portuguese.
Tecora is not a portuguese word.
well, i don't really understand what you mean by portuguese school, but if you mean how does school translate into portuguese, then it's "escola".
No results for "audra" were found in portuguese.
ki is an unknown word in Portuguese.
Shoo was not found in my Portuguese dictionary.
"Contigo" in Portuguese means "with you."
In English I think you mean... It means happiness
Malina doesn't have a portuguese translation. It's not a portuguese name either.
It can mean Rock (or Roque in Portuguese), as in Rock music, or it can mean rocha, stone.