"Elles sont intelligentes" in French means "They are intelligent" in English.
"Elles s'appellent" is French for "they are called" or "their name is." It is used when referring to the names of multiple feminine subjects.
ils sont = they are Note: "ils" is masculine of 'they"; "elles" is the feminine of "they".
It means "No, they are too narrow" in English.
"Connaissent" is the French verb for "know" in the plural form. It is used to indicate that a group of people know or are familiar with something or someone.
elles sont mean they (feminine) are
They went out
It means "they" referring to a feminine plural noun. French nouns have masculine or feminine genders. "Elles" is the plural form of "She".
You meant: Ellos - They, masc. Ellas - they, fem. Elle --- digraph "ll" in Spanish. 'elles' is French for 'they' (feminine plural)
"Elles sont intelligentes" in French means "They are intelligent" in English.
"They (fem.) are clean"
(ils/elles) regardent - they are looking
They are in the classroom.
(elles) sont d'où : where (do they come) from?
(ils/elles) restent - (they) stay/remain
"Elles s'appellent" is French for "they are called" or "their name is." It is used when referring to the names of multiple feminine subjects.
They eat. (feminine) Since its elles it means more that one girl. So either ils or elles they would both be translated to (they) because in french they differentiate the subject by gender while in english both would be they.