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Translation: I do not understand. I only speak Spanish.

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"I don't understand, I only speak Spanish."

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Q: What does 'No entiendo sólo hablo español' mean in English?
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What does no entiendo hablo español mean in english?

This means 'I do not understand you,speak Spanish to me!' or it also means 'I don't understand ,I only speak Spanish.'

What does hablo mean in English?

"Hablo" means "I speak" in English.

What does hablo ingles mean in English?

"Hablo ingles" means "I speak English" in English.

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"Hablo con amigos" means "I talk with friends" in English.

What does como no te entiendo mean in English?

What I can't understand you

What does 'no entiendo' mean in English?

Spanish. 'no intiendo' means 'I do not understand', as in: "No entiendo bien el español.", which means 'I do not understand Spanish well."

What does que no entiendo mean?

"Que no entiendo" means "that I don't understand" in Spanish. It is often used to express confusion or lack of comprehension.

What does ingles mean in English?

"Hablo inglés" means "I speak English".

What does no hablo bien mean in spanish?

"No hablo bien" in Spanish means "I don't speak well."

What does lo que entiendo mean in english?

I understand it, or That I understand. Depends on the context it is use in

What does Que no entindo mean in english?

Depends on punctuation: ¿Qué? No entiendo. = What? I don't understand. ...que no entiendo = ...that/because I don't understand. (Dinmelo denuevo que no entiendo = Tell me again because I don't understand) (Dije que no entiendo este libro = I said that I don't understand this book)

What does no te entiendo nd mean?

No te entiendo = I don't understand you.