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Repeating the same consonant in a word is called consonance. It is a literary technique used to create a rhythmic sound and add emphasis to words.

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Q: What do you call repeating the same consonant?
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What is a repeating consonant?

A repeating consonant is when the same consonant sound is repeated in close succession in a word. For example, in the word "little," the "t" sound is repeated twice, making it a repeating consonant.

What is a initial repeating consonant sound called?

Assonance is an initial repeating consonant sound.

What is repeating consonant sound?

A repeating consonant sound occurs when the same consonant sound is repeated in close proximity within a phrase or sentence. This device, known as consonance, adds rhythm and emphasis to the language, creating a pleasing or memorable effect for the reader or listener.

What is a word that starts with the same sound called?

The repeating of beginning consonant sounds is called aliteration.

What is the repeating of the same letter sound?

The repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of multiple words in close proximity is called alliteration.

What is the repeating of the beginning consonant sounds called?

The repeating of the beginning consonant sounds in words is called alliteration. This literary device is often used for emphasis and to create a pleasing sound in writing.

Are repetition and alliteration the same?

No, repetition is the act of repeating words or phrases, while alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.

Is alliteration the repeating of consonant sounds at the ends of words?

No, that is not correct. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.

What 4 letter word has 1 vowels and only one repeating consonant?


Do pedigree and bee have the same consonant sounds or the same vowel sounds?

yes they have the same consonant

Is repeating consonant sounds in a sequence of words?

No, consonance is the repetition of consonants. A more specific form of consonance is alliteration, where the first consonant of a word is repeated. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds.

Would fee fie foe fum be alliteration?

Yes, "fee fie foe fum" is an example of alliteration because the words all begin with the same sound 'f'. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in nearby words.