

Best Answer

Samuel Selvon used Trinidadian English Creole in "The Village Washer." This dialect reflects the language and culture of Trinidad and Tobago. Selvon's use of this dialect adds authenticity and local flavor to his storytelling.

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Q: What dialect did Samuel selvon used in the village washer?
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What is the dialect speech used in the story the village washer?

The dialect speech used in the story "The Village Washer" is an example of Nigerian Pidgin English, also known as Pidgin English. This is a simplified form of English that incorporates elements of various Nigerian languages, making it a common means of communication across different ethnic groups in Nigeria. Its use in the story adds authenticity and cultural richness to the dialogue.

Who migrated to the village why did she come in village washer?

The woman, named Rukmini, migrated to the village to escape an abusive relationship. She came to the village to start fresh and find work as a washerwoman so that she could support herself and her children.

Is unit's a singular or plural noun?

The word unit's is the possessive form for the singular noun unit. For example:This unit has its own washer and dryer. The unit's electric bill is the responsibility of the tenant.The plural form is units; the plural possessive form is units'. For example:These units do not have washers and dryers. These units' electric bills are included in the rent.

Would you put an apostrophe in whites?

No, "whites" does not require an apostrophe in this context. An apostrophe is typically used to indicate possession or contraction, but in this case, "whites" is simply a plural noun referring to a group of people.

What words have sh in?

2-letter wordssh3-letter wordsash, sha, she, shh, shy4-letter wordsashy, bash, bosh, bush, cash, cosh, dash, dish, fash, fish, gash, gosh, gush, hash, hush, josh, lash, lush, mash, mesh, mush, nosh, pash, pish, posh, push, rash, resh, rush, sash, shad, shag, shah, sham, shaw, shay, shea, shed, shes, shew, shim, shin, ship, shiv, shmo, shod, shoe, shog, shoo, shop, shot, show, shri, shul, shun, shut, tosh, tush, wash, wish5-letter wordsabash, apish, ashed, ashen, ashes, awash, blush, brash, brush, bushy, clash, crash, crush, cuish, cushy, dashi, dashy, deash, dishy, fishy, flash, flesh, flush, fresh, frosh, girsh, gnash, gursh, gushy, harsh, kasha, knish, leash, marsh, mashy, meshy, mushy, pasha, plash, plush, pshaw, pushy, quash, qursh, rishi, rushy, shack, shade, shads, shady, shaft, shags, shahs, shake, shako, shaky, shale, shall, shalt, shaly, shame, shams, shank, shape, shard, share, shark, sharn, sharp, shaul, shave, shawl, shawm, shawn, shaws, shays, sheaf, sheal, shear, sheas, sheds, sheen, sheep, sheer, sheet, sheik, shelf, shell, shend, shent, sheol, sherd, shewn, shews, shied, shiel, shier, shies, shift, shill, shily, shims, shine, shins, shiny, ships, shire, shirk, shirr, shirt, shist, shiva, shive, shivs, shlep, shoal, shoat, shock, shoed, shoer, shoes, shogs, shoji, shone, shook, shool, shoon, shoos, shoot, shops, shore, shorl, shorn, short, shote, shots, shott, shout, shove, shown, shows, showy, shoyu, shred, shrew, shris, shrub, shrug, shtik, shuck, shuln, shuls, shuns, shunt, shush, shute, shuts, shyer, shyly, slash, slosh, slush, smash, snash, stash, sushi, swash, swish, trash, tushy, usher, washy, welsh, whish, wisha, woosh6-letter wordsablush, afresh, aguish, ambush, ankush, arshin, ashcan, ashier, ashing, ashlar, ashler, ashman, ashmen, ashore, ashram, aspish, banish, bashaw, bashed, basher, bashes, bishop, bluish, bolshy, borsht, boshes, boyish, brashy, brushy, bugsha, buqsha, bushed, bushel, busher, bushes, bushwa, calash, cashaw, cashed, cashes, cashew, cashoo, choush, cohosh, coshed, cosher, coshes, coyish, creesh, cushat, cushaw, danish, dashed, dasher, dashes, dashis, dished, dishes, dovish, dryish, dudish, elfish, elvish, encash, enmesh, famish, fashed, fashes, fetish, finish, fished, fisher, fishes, flashy, fleshy, galosh, garish, gashed, gasher, gashes, geisha, golosh, gushed, gusher, gushes, hashed, hashes, heishi, hushed, hushes, immesh, impish, inmesh, inrush, jadish, joshed, josher, joshes, kashas, kasher, kibosh, kishka, kishke, kosher, lashed, lasher, lashes, latish, lavish, lowish, lushed, lusher, lushes, lushly, marish, marshy, mashed, masher, mashes, mashie, meshed, meshes, minish, mishap, mishit, modish, monish, mopish, moshav, mulish, mushed, musher, mushes, newish, noshed, nosher, noshes, oafish, oddish, offish, ogrish, oldish, onrush, owlish, palish, parish, pashas, pashed, pashes, perish, pished, pishes, plashy, plushy, polish, posher, poshly, potash, pshaws, punish, pushed, pusher, pushes, pushup, qurush, radish, rakish, rasher, rashes, rashly, ravish, rawish, rehash, relish, reshes, reship, reshod, reshoe, reshot, reshow, rewash, rishis, rushed, rushee, rusher, rushes, samshu, sashay, sashed, sashes, shabby, shacko, shacks, shaded, shader, shades, shadow, shaduf, shafts, shaggy, shaird, shairn, shaken, shaker, shakes, shakos, shaled, shales, shaley, shalom, shaman, shamas, shamed, shames, shammy, shamos, shamoy, shamus, shandy, shanks, shanny, shanti, shanty, shaped, shapen, shaper, shapes, shards, shared, sharer, shares, sharif, sharks, sharns, sharny, sharps, sharpy, shaugh, shauls, shaved, shaven, shaver, shaves, shavie, shawed, shawls, shawms, sheafs, sheals, shears, sheath, sheave, sheens, sheeny, sheers, sheets, sheeve, sheikh, sheiks, sheila, shekel, shells, shelly, shelta, shelty, shelve, shelvy, shends, sheols, sherds, sherif, sherpa, sherry, sheuch, sheugh, shewed, shewer, shibah, shield, shiels, shiers, shiest, shifts, shifty, shikar, shills, shimmy, shindy, shined, shiner, shines, shinny, shires, shirks, shirrs, shirts, shirty, shists, shivah, shivas, shiver, shives, shlepp, shleps, shlock, shlump, shmear, shmoes, shmuck, shnaps, shnook, shoals, shoaly, shoats, shocks, shoddy, shoers, shofar, shogun, shojis, sholom, shooed, shooks, shools, shoots, shoppe, shoran, shored, shores, shorls, shorts, shorty, shotes, shotts, should, shouts, shoved, shovel, shover, shoves, showed, shower, shoyus, shrank, shreds, shrewd, shrews, shriek, shrift, shrike, shrill, shrimp, shrine, shrink, shrive, shroff, shroud, shrove, shrubs, shrugs, shrunk, shtetl, shtick, shtiks, shucks, shunts, shuted, shutes, shyers, shyest, shying, sloshy, slushy, sneesh, splash, splosh, squash, squish, squush, sushis, swishy, swoosh, thrash, thresh, thrush, tonish, toshes, toyish, trashy, tushed, tushes, tushie, unlash, unmesh, unshed, unship, unshod, unshut, unwish, uppish, uprush, upshot, ushers, vanish, washed, washer, washes, washup, whisht, whoosh, widish, winish, wished, wisher, wishes7-letter wordsabashed, abashes, abolish, airshed, airship, anguish, apishly, arshins, ashamed, ashcans, ashiest, ashlars, ashlers, ashless, ashrams, ashtray, babyish, baldish, banshee, banshie, bashaws, bashers, bashful, bashing, bashlyk, batfish, beamish, bearish, beauish, beshame, beshout, beshrew, biggish, bishops, blemish, blueish, blushed, blusher, blushes, boarish, boggish, bolshie, boobish, bookish, boorish, borshts, boshbok, bowshot, boxfish, brasher, brashes, brashly, brinish, brushed, brusher, brushes, brushup, brutish, buckish, bugshas, bullish, bulrush, buqshas, burnish, bushels, bushers, bushido, bushier, bushily, bushing, bushman, bushmen, bushtit, bushwah, bushwas, caddish, carlish, carwash, cashaws, cashbox, cashews, cashier, cashing, cashoos, catfish, cattish, cherish, clashed, clasher, clashes, clayish, cockish, cockshy, codfish, coldish, coltish, coolish, coshers, coshing, cowfish, cowshed, crashed, crasher, crashes, crushed, crusher, crushes, cubbish, cuishes, cultish, cumshaw, currish, cushats, cushaws, cushier, cushily, cushion, dampish, darkish, darshan, dasheen, dashers, dashier, dashiki, dashing, dashpot, deafish, deashed, deashes, dervish, dishelm, dishful, dishier, dishing, dishpan, dishrag, dogfish, doggish, dollish, doltish, donnish, dronish, droshky, dullish, dumpish, duncish, duskish, earshot, english, evanish, eyelash, eyeshot, eyewash, faddish, fairish, fashing, fashion, fattish, finfish, fishers, fishery, fisheye, fishgig, fishier, fishily, fishing, fishnet, fishway, flashed, flasher, flashes, flemish, fleshed, flesher, fleshes, fleshly, flushed, flusher, flushes, fogyish, folkish, foolish, foppish, foxfish, freshed, freshen, fresher, freshes, freshet, freshly, furbish, furnish, galoshe, garfish, garnish, gashest, gashing, gawkish, geishas, girlish, girshes, gnashed, gnashes, gnomish, goatish, godship, goloshe, goodish, goshawk, goulash, grayish, greyish, grushie, gumshoe, gunship, gunshot, gurshes, gushers, gushier, gushily, gushing, hagbush, hagfish, haggish, harshen, harsher, harshly, hashing, hashish, hawkish, heimish, hellish, hickish, hippish, hipshot, hogfish, hoggish, hogwash, hotshot, hottish, huffish, hunnish, hushaby, hushful, hushing, inshore, jewfish, joshers, joshing, kaddish, kashers, kashmir, kashrut, kiddish, kiddush, kinship, kishkas, kishkes, knavish, knishes, koshers, kurbash, ladyish, largish, larkish, lashers, lashing, lashins, lashkar, lazyish, leashed, leashes, leftish, longish, loudish, loutish, lumpish, lushest, lushing, maddish, maidish, mannish, marshal, marshes, mashers, mashies, mashing, mawkish, maybush, meshier, meshing, meshuga, midrash, midship, minxish, mishaps, mishear, mishits, misshod, mobbish, monkish, moonish, moorish, mudfish, mushers, mushier, mushily, mushing, nebbish, noncash, noshers, noshing, nourish, nunnish, oarfish, ogreish, onshore, outfish, outgush, outpush, outrush, outshot, outwash, outwish, padshah, palship, panfish, pashing, peakish, peckish, peevish, perkish, pettish, pigfish, piggish, pinfish, pinkish, pishing, pishoge, pixyish, planish, plashed, plasher, plashes, plenish, plusher, plushes, plushly, poorish, poshest, potshot, preshow, prewash, prudish, pshawed, publish, puckish, puggish, pupfish, pushers, pushful, pushier, pushily, pushing, pushpin, pushrod, pushups, quamash, quashed, quasher, quashes, qurshes, raffish, rammish, rankish, rashers, rashest, raspish, ratfish, rattish, reddish, redfish, refresh, reshape, reshave, reshine, reships, reshoes, reshone, reshoot, reshown, reshows, ricksha, rikisha, rikshaw, roguish, rompish, rubbish, runtish, rushees, rushers, rushier, rushing, ruttish, saltish, samshus, sashays, sashimi, sashing, sawfish, selfish, serfish, shackle, shackos, shaders, shadfly, shadier, shadily, shading, shadoof, shadows, shadowy, shadufs, shafted, shagged, shahdom, shairds, shairns, shaitan, shakers, shakeup, shakier, shakily, shaking, shakoes, shalier, shallop, shallot, shallow, shaloms, shamans, shamble, shaming, shammas, shammed, shammer, shammes, shammos, shamois, shamoys, shampoo, shanked, shantey, shantih, shantis, shapely, shapers, shapeup, shaping, sharers, sharifs, sharing, sharked, sharker, sharped, sharpen, sharper, sharpie, sharply, shaslik, shatter, shaughs, shauled, shavers, shavies, shaving, shawing, shawled, sheafed, sheared, shearer, sheathe, sheaths, sheaved, sheaves, shebang, shebean, shebeen, shedded, shedder, sheened, sheered, sheerer, sheerly, sheeted, sheeter, sheeves, sheikhs, sheilas, sheitan, shekels, shellac, shelled, sheller, sheltas, shelter, sheltie, shelved, shelver, shelves, sherbet, shereef, sheriff, sherifs, sheroot, sherpas, sherris, sheuchs, sheughs, shewers, shewing, shiatsu, shiatzu, shibahs, shicker, shields, shifted, shifter, shikari, shikars, shikker, shilled, shilpit, shimmed, shimmer, shindig, shindys, shiners, shingle, shingly, shinier, shinily, shining, shinned, shinney, shiplap, shipman, shipmen, shipped, shippen, shipper, shippon, shipway, shirked, shirker, shirred, shittah, shittim, shivahs, shivers, shivery, shlepps, shlocks, shlumps, shlumpy, shmaltz, shmears, shmooze, shmucks, shnooks, shoaled, shoaler, shocked, shocker, shodden, shoeing, shoepac, shofars, shogged, shoguns, sholoms, shoofly, shooing, shooled, shooter, shopboy, shophar, shopman, shopmen, shopped, shopper, shoppes, shorans, shoring, shorted, shorten, shorter, shortia, shortie, shortly, shotgun, shotted, shotten, shouted, shouter, shovels, shovers, shoving, showers, showery, showier, showily, showing, showman, showmen, showoff, shrewed, shrieks, shrieky, shrieve, shrifts, shrikes, shrills, shrilly, shrimps, shrimpy, shrined, shrines, shrinks, shrived, shrivel, shriven, shriver, shrives, shroffs, shrouds, shrubby, shtetel, shtetls, shticks, shucked, shucker, shudder, shuffle, shunned, shunner, shunted, shunter, shushed, shushes, shuteye, shuting, shutoff, shutout, shutter, shuttle, shylock, shyness, shyster, sickish, slashed, slasher, slashes, slavish, sloshed, sloshes, slowish, slushed, slushes, smashed, smasher, smashes, smashup, snashes, softish, sonship, sottish, sourish, splashy, squashy, squishy, squoosh, stashed, stashes, stonish, stylish, sunfish, swashed, swasher, swashes, swinish, swished, swisher, swishes, tallish, tamasha, tannish, tarbush, tarnish, tartish, teashop, tigrish, toadish, toeshoe, tonnish, townish, toyshop, trashed, trashes, tundish, tushies, tushing, unleash, unsharp, unshell, unshift, unships, unshorn, unshowy, upshift, upshoot, upshots, ushered, vampish, varnish, voguish, waggish, wampish, warmish, warship, washday, washers, washier, washing, washout, washrag, washtub, washups, waspish, weakish, wearish, welshed, welsher, welshes, wennish, wettish, wheyish, whished, whishes, whishts, whitish, whorish, wildish, wimpish, wishers, wishful, wishing, wispish, wolfish, wooshed, wooshes, wormish, worship, yashmac, yashmak, yeshiva, zanyish8-letter wordsabashing, actorish, admonish, aguishly, airbrush, airsheds, airships, ambushed, ambusher, ambushes, amidship, ankushes, antiship, ashiness, ashlared, ashlered, ashplant, ashtrays, astonish, babushka, backlash, backrush, backwash, bairnish, bakeshop, bakshish, banished, banisher, banishes, banshees, banshies, bashlyks, bedsheet, beshadow, beshamed, beshames, beshiver, beshouts, beshrews, beshroud, billfish, birdshot, bishoped, blackish, blandish, bleakish, blimpish, blockish, blondish, blowfish, bluefish, blushers, blushful, blushing, boarfish, bolshies, bonefish, bookshop, boshboks, boshvark, bowshots, boyishly, brackish, brainish, brandish, brashest, brashier, brassish, brattish, broadish, broguish, brownish, brushers, brushier, brushing, brushoff, brushups, buckshee, buckshot, bullrush, bullshot, bushbuck, busheled, busheler, bushfire, bushgoat, bushidos, bushiest, bushings, bushland, bushless, bushlike, bushtits, bushwahs, caboshed, calabash, calashes, calipash, camshaft, cashable, cashbook, cashiers, cashless, cashmere, cavefish, ceorlish, cheapish, childish, choushes, chumship, churlish, clannish, clashers, clashing, clerkish, cliquish, cloddish, clownish, clumpish, coalfish, coalshed, cockshut, cohoshes, cookshop, coshered, cowsheds, crashers, crashing, crawfish, crayfish, creeshed, creeshes, crushers, crushing, cumshaws, cushiest, cushions, cushiony, daishiki, dandyish, darshans, dasheens, dashiest, dashikis, dashpots, dealfish, deanship, deashing, demolish, depolish, devilish, diminish, dishelms, disherit, dishevel, dishfuls, dishiest, dishlike, dishonor, dishpans, dishrags, dishware, dogeship, dowdyish, downwash, draffish, dramshop, dreggish, dropshot, drumfish, dudishly, dwarfish, earlship, earshots, eggshell, elfishly, elvishly, encashed, encashes, enmeshed, enmeshes, enravish, ensheath, enshrine, enshroud, etherish, eyeshade, eyeshots, faintish, fallfish, famished, famishes, fashions, fashious, feeblish, feldsher, fetishes, feverish, fiendish, filefish, finished, finisher, finishes, fishable, fishbolt, fishbone, fishbowl, fisheyes, fishgigs, fishhook, fishiest, fishings, fishless, fishlike, fishline, fishmeal, fishnets, fishpole, fishpond, fishtail, fishways, fishwife, fishworm, flagship, flashers, flashgun, flashier, flashily, flashing, flatfish, flattish, flatwash, fleishig, fleshers, fleshier, fleshing, fleshpot, flourish, flushers, flushest, flushing, foolfish, foreshow, freakish, freshens, freshest, freshets, freshing, freshman, freshmen, frogfish, frumpish, galoshed, galoshes, gamashes, garishly, gashouse, ghoulish, gnashing, goatfish, godships, goldfish, goloshes, goshawks, grayfish, greenish, grogshop, gruffish, grumpish, gumshoed, gumshoes, gunships, gunshots, guruship, gushiest, gypsyish, hardship, harshens, harshest, hasheesh, hashhead, hawkshaw, headfish, headship, heirship, highbush, hockshop, hogshead, hotshots, hushedly, immeshed, immeshes, impishly, inmeshed, inmeshes, inrushes, insheath, inshrine, jackfish, jadishly, jingoish, kashered, kashmirs, kashruth, kashruts, keeshond, kiboshed, kiboshes, kickshaw, kingfish, kingship, kinships, koshered, ladyfish, ladyship, langshan, languish, lashings, lashkars, lavished, lavisher, lavishes, lavishly, leashing, lemonish, lightish, lionfish, littlish, liverish, longship, lordship, lumpfish, lungfish, lushness, marishes, marshall, marshals, marshier, mateship, meshiest, meshugah, meshugga, meshugge, meshwork, midships, milkfish, milkshed, minished, minishes, misheard, mishears, mishmash, mishmosh, misshape, modishly, monished, monishes, monkfish, moonfish, moonshot, mopishly, moshavim, mulishly, mushiest, mushroom, musquash, nabobish, newshawk, ninnyish, numbfish, nutshell, oafishly, offishly, offshoot, offshore, ogrishly, onrushes, orangish, outblush, outshame, outshine, outshone, outshoot, outshout, overfish, overlush, overrash, overshoe, overshot, owlishly, padishah, padshahs, paganish, palships, parashah, parflesh, parishes, pashadom, pashalic, pashalik, pawnshop, pearlash, peepshow, perished, perishes, pipefish, piroshki, pishoges, pishogue, pixieish, plashers, plashier, plashing, plumpish, plushest, plushier, plushily, polished, polisher, polishes, poshness, potashes, potshard, potsherd, potshots, prankish, precrash, preshape, preshown, preshows, priggish, pshawing, punished, punisher, punishes, puppyish, purplish, pushball, pushcart, pushdown, pushiest, pushover, pushpins, pushrods, pygmyish, quackish, qualmish, quashers, quashing, queerish, quippish, qurushes, radishes, rainwash, rakishly, ramshorn, rashlike, rashness, ravished, ravisher, ravishes, redshank, redshift, redshirt, refinish, rehashed, rehashes, relished, relishes, repolish, reshaped, reshaper, reshapes, reshaved, reshaven, reshaves, reshined, reshines, reshoots, reshowed, rewashed, rewashes, rickshas, rickshaw, rikishas, rikshaws, roadshow, rockfish, rosebush, rosefish, roughish, roundish, rowdyish, rubbishy, rushiest, rushings, rushlike, saganash, sailfish, saltbush, sandfish, sashayed, sashimis, scampish, seashell, seashore, shabbier, shabbily, shackled, shackler, shackles, shackoes, shadblow, shadbush, shadchan, shaddock, shadiest, shadings, shadoofs, shadowed, shadower, shadrach, shafting, shagbark, shaggier, shaggily, shagging, shagreen, shahdoms, shaitans, shakable, shakeout, shakeups, shakiest, shaliest, shalloon, shallops, shallots, shallows, shamable, shamanic, shambled, shambles, shameful, shammash, shammers, shammied, shammies, shamming, shamosim, shamoyed, shampoos, shamrock, shamuses, shandies, shanghai, shanking, shannies, shanteys, shanties, shantihs, shantung, shapable, shapeups, sharable, sharkers, sharking, sharpens, sharpers, sharpest, sharpies, sharping, shashlik, shasliks, shatters, shauling, shavable, shavings, shawling, sheafing, shealing, shearers, shearing, sheathed, sheather, sheathes, sheaving, shebangs, shebeans, shebeens, shedable, shedders, shedding, sheenful, sheenier, sheenies, sheening, sheepcot, sheepdog, sheepish, sheepman, sheepmen, sheerest, sheering, sheeters, sheetfed, sheeting, sheikdom, sheitans, shelduck, shelfful, shellack, shellacs, shellers, shellier, shelling, shelters, shelties, shelvers, shelvier, shelving, shending, shepherd, sherbert, sherbets, shereefs, sheriffs, sherlock, sheroots, sherries, shetland, shiatsus, shiatzus, shickers, shielded, shielder, shieling, shifters, shiftier, shiftily, shifting, shigella, shikaree, shikaris, shikkers, shilingi, shillala, shilling, shimmers, shimmery, shimmied, shimmies, shimming, shinbone, shindies, shindigs, shingled, shingler, shingles, shiniest, shinleaf, shinnery, shinneys, shinnied, shinnies, shinning, shiplaps, shipload, shipmate, shipment, shippens, shippers, shipping, shippons, shipside, shipways, shipworm, shipyard, shirkers, shirking, shirring, shirtier, shirting, shittahs, shittims, shivaree, shivered, shiverer, shlemiel, shlepped, shlumped, shmaltzy, shmoozed, shmoozes, shoalest, shoalier, shoaling, shockers, shocking, shoddier, shoddies, shoddily, shoebill, shoehorn, shoelace, shoeless, shoepack, shoepacs, shoetree, shofroth, shogging, shogunal, shooling, shooters, shooting, shootout, shopboys, shopgirl, shophars, shoplift, shoppers, shopping, shoptalk, shopworn, shorings, shortage, shortcut, shortens, shortest, shortias, shorties, shorting, shortish, shotguns, shotting, shoulder, shouldst, shouters, shouting, shoveled, shoveler, showboat, showcase, showdown, showered, showgirl, showiest, showings, showoffs, showroom, shrapnel, shredded, shredder, shrewder, shrewdie, shrewdly, shrewing, shrewish, shrieked, shrieker, shrieval, shrieved, shrieves, shrilled, shriller, shrimped, shrimper, shrining, shrinker, shrivels, shrivers, shriving, shroffed, shrouded, shrugged, shrunken, shtetels, shuckers, shucking, shudders, shuddery, shuffled, shuffler, shuffles, shunners, shunning, shunpike, shunters, shunting, shushing, shutdown, shuteyes, shutoffs, shutouts, shutters, shutting, shuttled, shuttles, shwanpan, shylocks, shysters, sideshow, sissyish, skirmish, skittish, slapdash, slashers, slashing, slipshod, slobbish, sloshier, sloshing, sluggish, slushier, slushily, slushing, sluttish, smallish, smashers, smashing, smashups, snappish, snapshot, sneeshes, sniffish, snobbish, snoutish, snowbush, snowshed, snowshoe, sonships, sparkish, splashed, splasher, splashes, sploshed, sploshes, spookish, squarish, squashed, squasher, squashes, squirish, squished, squishes, squooshy, squushed, squushes, stablish, standish, starfish, stashing, stiffish, stockish, stoutish, stramash, studfish, subshaft, subshell, subshrub, suckfish, sunshade, sunshine, sunshiny, surffish, swainish, swampish, swashers, swashing, sweetish, swishers, swishier, swishing, swooshed, swooshes, sylphish, tamashas, tankship, tarboosh, teashops, thickish, thievish, thinnish, thrashed, thrasher, thrashes, threshed, thresher, threshes, thrushes, thuggish, ticklish, tigerish, tilefish, toadfish, toadyish, toeshoes, tonishly, toolshed, toughish, tovarish, township, toyshops, trampish, tranship, trashier, trashily, trashing, trashman, trashmen, trickish, twinship, uncashed, unfished, unflashy, unkosher, unlashed, unlashes, unmeshed, unmeshes, unmodish, unrushed, unshaded, unshaken, unshamed, unshaped, unshapen, unshared, unshaved, unshaven, unshells, unshifts, unshrunk, unwashed, unwished, unwishes, uppishly, uprushed, uprushes, upshifts, upshoots, urushiol, ushering, vanished, vanisher, vanishes, vanquish, vaporish, varnishy, vigorish, viperish, vixenish, wardship, warships, washable, washbowl, washdays, washiest, washings, washouts, washrags, washroom, washtubs, waterish, weakfish, welshers, welshing, whiplash, whishing, whishted, whooshed, whooshes, wineshop, wishbone, wishless, wolffish, womanish, woodshed, woolshed, wooshing, workshop, worships, yashmacs, yashmaks, yeshivah, yeshivas, yeshivot, yokelish, youngish9-letter wordsabashment, abolished, abolisher, abolishes, almshouse, ambushers, ambushing, amidships, angelfish, anguished, anguishes, antishark, antishock, apishness, arhatship, ashamedly, ashlaring, ashlering, ashplants, babushkas, bakeshops, baksheesh, banishers, banishing, bashfully, batfishes, beamishly, bearishly, bedsheets, beshadows, beshaming, beshivers, beshouted, beshrewed, beshrouds, birdshots, bishoping, bishopric, bitterish, blackfish, blemished, blemishes, blindfish, bloodshed, bloodshot, blueshift, bombshell, bookishly, bookshelf, bookshops, boorishly, boshvarks, boxfishes, brainwash, brashiest, brashness, brushback, brushfire, brushiest, brushland, brushoffs, brushwood, brushwork, brutishly, buckshees, buckshots, bullishly, bullshots, bulrushes, burnished, burnisher, burnishes, bushbucks, bushelers, busheling, bushelled, bushfires, bushgoats, bushiness, bushlands, bushwhack, caddishly, cadetship, camshafts, cardsharp, carwashes, cashbooks, cashboxes, cashiered, cashmeres, catfishes, cherished, cherisher, cherishes, chiefship, chumships, clamshell, clerkship, cleverish, clipsheet, coalsheds, cockshies, cockshuts, codfishes, coltishly, cookshack, cookshops, copublish, coshering, courtship, cowfishes, crapshoot, creeshing, crosshair, crosshead, crushable, cultishly, currishly, cushioned, dachshund, daishikis, dashboard, dashingly, deanships, dervishes, devilfish, dishcloth, dishclout, dishelmed, disherits, dishevels, dishonest, dishonors, dishwares, dishwater, disrelish, dogeships, dogfishes, doggishly, dollishly, doltishly, donnishly, downshift, dragonish, dramshops, drawshave, dropshots, droshkies, dullishly, earlships, eggshells, eldership, embellish, encashing, englished, englishes, enmeshing, ensheathe, ensheaths, enshrined, enshrinee, enshrines, enshrouds, establish, evanished, evanishes, eyelashes, eyeshades, eyewashes, fairishly, famishing, fashioned, fashioner, feldshers, fetishism, fetishist, finfishes, finishers, finishing, fishbolts, fishbones, fishbowls, fisheries, fisherman, fishermen, fishhooks, fishlines, fishmeals, fishplate, fishpoles, fishponds, fishtails, fishwives, fishworms, flagships, flashback, flashbulb, flashcube, flashguns, flashiest, flashings, flashlamp, flashover, flashtube, flemished, flemishes, fleshiest, fleshings, fleshlier, fleshment, fleshpots, flushable, flushness, foolisher, foolishly, foppishly, foreshank, foresheet, foreshock, foreshore, foreshown, foreshows, foxfishes, freshened, freshener, freshness, furbished, furbisher, furbishes, furnished, furnisher, furnishes, garfishes, garnished, garnishee, garnishes, gasholder, gashouses, gawkishly, gearshift, gibberish, giraffish, girlishly, globefish, goosefish, goulashes, grapeshot, grogshops, guildship, guruships, gushiness, gushingly, hagbushes, hagfishes, hairbrush, handshake, hardships, harshened, harshness, hartshorn, hashheads, hashishes, hawkishly, hawkshaws, headships, heirships, hellishly, hockshops, hogfishes, hoggishly, hogsheads, hogwashes, horseshit, horseshod, horseshoe, hoydenish, immeshing, inmeshing, insheaths, inshrined, inshrines, intermesh, jargonish, jellyfish, jewfishes, judgeship, kaddishim, kashering, kashruths, keeshonds, kiboshing, kickshaws, kiddushes, killifish, kingships, kittenish, knavishly, koshering, kurbashed, kurbashes, kyboshing, ladyships, lakeshore, lampshell, langshans, lavishers, lavishest, lavishing, lickerish, lightship, longships, lordships, loutishly, lumpishly, macintosh, maharishi, mainsheet, makeshift, mannishly, marshalcy, marshaled, marshalls, marshiest, marshland, mateships, mawkishly, maybushes, meshuggah, meshworks, midrashic, midrashim, milksheds, minishing, mishandle, mishanter, misshaped, misshapen, misshapes, monishing, monkshood, moonishly, moonshine, moonshots, mouthwash, mudfishes, mushiness, mushrooms, nailbrush, nearshore, nebbishes, newshawks, newshound, nonkosher, nonshrink, nourished, nourisher, nourishes, nutshells, oarfishes, offshoots, onrushing, outfished, outfishes, outgushes, outpushed, outpushes, outrushed, outrushes, outshamed, outshames, outshined, outshines, outshoots, outshouts, outwashes, outwished, outwishes, overshirt, overshoes, overshoot, overshots, ownership, padishahs, panfishes, parashoth, pashadoms, pashalics, pashaliks, pawnshops, peepshows, peevishly, perishing, pettishly, pigfishes, piggishly, pinfishes, pishogues, planished, planisher, planishes, plashiest, platyfish, plenished, plenishes, plowshare, plushiest, plushness, polishers, polishing, postcrash, potshards, potsherds, premonish, preshaped, preshapes, preshowed, preshrank, preshrink, preshrunk, prettyish, prewashed, prewashes, priorship, prudishly, published, publisher, publishes, puckishly, punishers, punishing, pupfishes, pushballs, pushcarts, pushchair, pushdowns, pushiness, pushovers, quamashes, queenship, raffishly, ramshorns, ratfishes, ravishers, ravishing, redfishes, redshanks, redshifts, redshirts, refashion, refreshed, refreshen, refresher, refreshes, refurbish, refurnish, rehashing, relishing, replenish, republish, reshapers, reshaping, reshaving, reshingle, reshining, reshipped, reshoeing, reshowing, reshuffle, rewashing, rickshaws, ridership, roadshows, rockshaft, roguishly, roughshod, rubbishes, rulership, rushlight, ruttishly, sablefish, sagebrush, saintship, sallowish, sandshoes, sashaying, sawfishes, scrimshaw, seashells, seashores, selfishly, shabbiest, shacklers, shackling, shadberry, shadblows, shadchans, shaddocks, shadeless, shadflies, shadiness, shadowbox, shadowers, shadowier, shadowily, shadowing, shadrachs, shaftings, shagbarks, shaggiest, shagreens, shakeable, shakedown, shakeouts, shakiness, shalloons, shallowed, shallower, shallowly, shamanism, shamanist, shambling, shambolic, shamefast, shameless, shammasim, shammosim, shammying, shamoying, shampooed, shampooer, shamrocks, shanghais, shantungs, shantyman, shantymen, shapeable, shapeless, shapelier, shareable, sharecrop, shareware, sharifian, sharklike, sharkskin, sharpened, sharpener, sharpness, shashlick, shashliks, shattered, shaveling, shavetail, sheaflike, shealings, shearings, shearling, sheathers, sheathing, sheeniest, sheepcote, sheepcots, sheepdogs, sheepfold, sheepskin, sheerlegs, sheerness, sheetings, sheetlike, sheikdoms, sheikhdom, sheldrake, shelducks, shelffuls, shelflike, shellacks, shellback, shellfish, shelliest, shellwork, sheltered, shelterer, shelviest, shelvings, shepherds, sherberts, sherlocks, sherrises, shetlands, shewbread, shielders, shielding, shielings, shiftable, shiftiest, shiftless, shigellae, shigellas, shiitakes, shikarees, shikarred, shillalah, shillalas, shillings, shimmered, shimmying, shinbones, shinglers, shingling, shininess, shinleafs, shinneyed, shinnying, shipboard, shipborne, shiploads, shipmates, shipments, shipowner, shippable, shippings, shipshape, shipsides, shipworms, shipwreck, shipyards, shirrings, shirtiest, shirtings, shirtless, shirttail, shivareed, shivarees, shiverers, shivering, shlemiehl, shlemiels, shlepping, shlumping, shmaltzes, shmoozing, shoaliest, shockable, shoddiest, shoebills, shoeblack, shoehorns, shoelaces, shoemaker, shoepacks, shoetrees, shogunate, shooflies, shootings, shootouts, shopgirls, shophroth, shoplifts, shoppings, shoptalks, shorebird, shoreline, shoreside, shoreward, shortages, shortcake, shortcuts, shortened, shortener, shortfall, shorthair, shorthand, shorthorn, shortlist, shortness, shortstop, shortwave, shoulders, shouldest, shovelers, shovelful, shoveling, shovelled, shoveller, showbizzy, showboats, showbread, showcased, showcases, showdowns, showerers, showering, showgirls, showiness, showpiece, showplace, showrings, showrooms, shredders, shredding, shrewdest, shrewdies, shrewlike, shriekers, shriekier, shrieking, shrieving, shrillest, shrilling, shrimpers, shrimpier, shrimping, shrinkage, shrinkers, shrinking, shriveled, shroffing, shrouding, shrubbery, shrubbier, shrugging, shtetlach, shuckings, shuddered, shufflers, shuffling, shunpiked, shunpiker, shunpikes, shutdowns, shuttered, shuttling, shwanpans, shylocked, shynesses, sickishly, sideshows, slashings, slavishly, slingshot, sloshiest, slungshot, slushiest, snapshots, snowbrush, snowsheds, snowshoed, snowshoer, snowshoes, softshell, sottishly, spaceship, spadefish, spearfish, spicebush, spiderish, splashers, splashier, splashily, splashing, sploshing, squashers, squashier, squashily, squashing, squawfish, squeamish, squishier, squishing, squooshed, squooshes, squushing, starships, steamship, stockfish, stonefish, stonished, stonishes, storeship, strongish, stylishly, subshafts, subshells, subshrubs, succotash, sunfishes, sunshades, sunshines, supershow, sweatshop, sweetshop, swellfish, swinishly, swishiest, swooshing, swordfish, tankships, tarbushes, tarnished, tarnishes, thaneship, thirtyish, thornbush, thrashers, thrashing, threshers, threshing, threshold, tomboyish, toolsheds, townships, tranships, transship, trashiest, troopship, trunkfish, tuckshops, tundishes, tutorship, twinships, unabashed, unashamed, unbookish, unbrushed, undershot, unlashing, unleashed, unleashes, unmeshing, unselfish, unshackle, unshapely, unsheathe, unshelled, unshifted, unshipped, unstylish, unwasheds, unwishing, upmanship, uprushing, upshifted, urushiols, usherette, vampirish, vanishers, vanishing, varnished, varnisher, varnishes, vicarship, vulturish, waggishly, wampished, wampishes, wardships, washables, washbasin, washboard, washbowls, washcloth, washerman, washermen, washhouse, washrooms, washstand, washwoman, washwomen, waspishly, watershed, waveshape, whishting, whitefish, whitewash, whooshing, wineshops, wishbones, wishfully, wolfishly, woodsheds, woolsheds, workshops, worshiped, worshiper, yellowish, yeshivahs, yeshivoth10-letter wordsabashments, abolishers, abolishing, accomplish, admonished, admonisher, admonishes, aftershave, aftershock, airbrushed, airbrushes, airmanship, almshouses, alongshore, amateurish, ambushment, anglerfish, anguishing, archbishop, archerfish, arhatships, ashinesses, astonished, astonishes, authorship, backlashed, backlasher, backlashes, backrushes, backsplash, backwashed, backwashes, bakshished, bakshishes, balderdash, banishment, barbershop, battleship, beshadowed, beshivered, beshouting, beshrewing, beshrouded, billfishes, bishoprics, blandished, blandisher, blandishes, blemishing, blimpishly, bloodsheds, blowfishes, bluefishes, blueshifts, bluishness, blushingly, boarfishes, bolshevism, bolshevize, bombshells, bonefishes, bounderish, boyishness, brandished, brandishes, broadsheet, brownshirt, brushbacks, brushlands, brushwoods, brushworks, buffoonish, bullrushes, bumpkinish, burnishers, burnishing, bushelling, bushmaster, bushranger, bushwhacks, butterfish, buttonbush, cadetships, calabashes, calipashes, candlefish, cardsharps, cartoonish, cashiering, cavefishes, censorship, cheapishly, cherishers, cherishing, chiefships, childishly, churlishly, clamshells, clannishly, clerkships, clipsheets, cliquishly, clownishly, coalfishes, cockneyish, consulship, cookshacks, coquettish, countryish, courtships, cousinship, crankshaft, crapshoots, crashingly, crawfished, crawfishes, crayfishes, crosshairs, crosshatch, crossheads, crushingly, crushproof, cushioning, cuttlefish, dachshunds, damselfish, dandyishly, dashboards, dealership, dealfishes, demolished, demolisher, demolishes, depolished, depolishes, deshabille, devilishly, diminished, diminishes, disfurnish, dishabille, disharmony, dishcloths, dishclouts, dishearten, dishelming, disherited, disheveled, dishonesty, dishonored, dishonorer, dishwasher, dishwaters, doctorship, dovishness, downshifts, downwashes, drawshaves, driveshaft, drumfishes, duennaship, dwarfishly, earthshine, editorship, elderships, encashable, encashment, englishing, enmeshment, enravished, enravishes, ensheathed, ensheathes, enshrinees, enshrining, enshrouded, evanishing, externship, extinguish, factorship, fallfishes, famishment, fashioners, fashioning, fatshedera, fellowship, fetishisms, fetishists, feverishly, fiendishly, filefishes, fisherfolk, fishmonger, fishplates, fishtailed, flashbacks, flashboard, flashbulbs, flashcubes, flashiness, flashlamps, flashlight, flashovers, flashtubes, flatfishes, flatwashes, flemishing, fleshiness, fleshliest, fleshments, flourished, flourisher, flourishes, folklorish, foolfishes, foolishest, foreshadow, foreshanks, foresheets, foreshocks, foreshores, foreshowed, frameshift, freakishly, fresheners, freshening, freshwater, friendship, frogfishes, furbishers, furbishing, furnishers, furnishing, garishness, garnisheed, garnishees, garnishing, gasholders, gearshifts, ghoulishly, glasshouse, goatfishes, goldfishes, gooseflesh, grayfishes, greenshank, groundfish, guildships, guitarfish, gumshoeing, handshakes, harshening, hartshorns, hasheeshes, headfishes, heathenish, hobblebush, hoodlumish, horseflesh, horseshits, horseshoed, horseshoer, horseshoes, impishness, impoverish, insheathed, inshrining, internship, jackfishes, jinricksha, jinrikisha, judgeships, keeshonden, kingfisher, kingfishes, kurbashing, ladyfishes, lakeshores, lampshells, languished, languisher, languishes, lavishness, leadership, legateship, leishmania, lightships, lionfishes, lumpfishes, lungfishes, lushnesses, mackintosh, maharishis, mainsheets, makeshifts, marshaling, marshalled, marshiness, marshlands, mastership, mediumship, membership, mentorship, midrashoth, midshipman, midshipmen, milkfishes, mishandled, mishandles, mishanters, mishearing, mishitting, mishmashes, mishmoshes, misshaping, modishness, monkfishes, monkshoods, moonfishes, moonshiner, moonshines, mulishness, multiflash, mushroomed, musquashes, muttonfish, needlefish, newshounds, nightshade, nightshirt, nourishers, nourishing, numbfishes, oafishness, offishness, outblushed, outblushes, outfishing, outlandish, outpushing, outrushing, outshaming, outshining, outshouted, outwishing, overfished, overfishes, overlavish, overshadow, overshirts, overshoots, owlishness, ownerships, paddlefish, paintbrush, parashioth, parfleshes, pastorship, peacockish, pearlashes, peashooter, penmanship, perishable, photoflash, picayunish, pincushion, pipefishes, planishers, planishing, plenishing, plowshares, plushiness, poshnesses, potshotted, prankishly, preshaping, preshowing, preshrinks, prewashing, priggishly, princeship, priorships, publishers, publishing, punishable, punishment, pushchairs, qualmishly, queenships, rainwashed, rainwashes, rakishness, ramshackle, rashnesses, ravishment, readership, rectorship, redshifted, redshirted, refashions, refinished, refinisher, refinishes, refreshens, refreshers, refreshing, relinquish, relishable, repolished, repolishes, reshingled, reshingles, reshipping, reshooting, reshuffled, reshuffles, ribbonfish, riderships, rockfishes, rockshafts, rosebushes, rosefishes, rulerships, rushlights, saganashes, sailfishes, saintships, saltbushes, saltshaker, sandfishes, scrimshaws, seamanship, shabbiness, shadbushes, shadchanim, shadowiest, shadowless, shadowlike, shagginess, shaggymane, shakedowns, shallowest, shallowing, shamanisms, shamanists, shamefaced, shamefully, shammashim, shampooers, shampooing, shandygaff, shanghaied, shanghaier, shankpiece, shantytown, shapeliest, sharecrops, sharewares, sharkskins, sharpeners, sharpening, shashlicks, shattering, shavelings, shavetails, shearlings, shearwater, sheathbill, sheathings, sheepberry, sheepcotes, sheepfolds, sheepishly, sheepshank, sheepshead, sheepskins, sheikhdoms, sheldrakes, shellacked, shellbacks, shellproof, shellworks, shelterers, sheltering, shenanigan, shepherded, sheriffdom, shewbreads, shibboleth, shiftiness, shikarring, shillalahs, shillelagh, shimmering, shinleaves, shinneries, shinneying, shipboards, shipfitter, shipmaster, shipowners, shipwrecks, shipwright, shirtdress, shirtfront, shirtmaker, shirttails, shirtwaist, shlemiehls, shmaltzier, shockingly, shockproof, shoddiness, shoeblacks, shoehorned, shoemakers, shoestring, shogunates, shopkeeper, shoplifted, shoplifter, shopwindow, shorebirds, shorefront, shorelines, shorewards, shortbread, shortcakes, shorteners, shortening, shortfalls, shorthairs, shorthands, shorthorns, shortlists, shortstops, shortwaves, shotgunned, shotgunner, shouldered, shovelfuls, shovellers, shovelling, shovelnose, shovelsful, showbizzes, showboated, showbreads, showcasing, showerhead, showerless, showpieces, showplaces, shrewdness, shrewishly, shriekiest, shrievalty, shrillness, shrimpiest, shrimplike, shrinkable, shrinkages, shriveling, shrivelled, shrubbiest, shuddering, shunpikers, shunpiking, shutterbug, shuttering, shylocking, silverfish, skirmished, skirmisher, skirmishes, skittishly, slapdashes, slashingly, slingshots, sluggishly, slungshots, slushiness, sluttishly, smashingly, snappishly, sniffishly, snobbishly, snowbushes, snowshoers, softshells, spaceships, splashdown, splashiest, spokeshave, squarishly, squashiest, squishiest, squooshier, squooshing, stablished, stablishes, standishes, starfishes, steamships, stonishing, storeships, stramashes, studfishes, suckfishes, supersharp, supershows, suretyship, surffishes, sweatshirt, sweatshops, sweetishly, sweetshops, swishingly, tarbooshes, tarnishing, thaneships, thievishly, thresholds, ticklishly, tigerishly, tilefishes, toadfishes, toothbrush, tovarishes, transshape, transships, trashiness, trickishly, troopships, turboshaft, tutorships, ultrasharp, ultrashort, unactorish, unblushing, underbrush, undershirt, undershoot, undershrub, unfinished, unleashing, unpolished, unpunished, unravished, unshackled, unshackles, unshakable, unshakably, unsheathed, unsheathes, unshelling, unshifting, unshipping, upmanships, uppishness, upshifting, upshooting, usherettes, vanquished, vanquisher, vanquishes, varnishers, varnishing, vicarships, viewership, vigorishes, vinegarish, viziership, wampishing, wardenship, washateria, washbasins, washboards, washcloths, washeteria, washhouses, washstands, watersheds, waveshapes, weakfishes, whiplashes, windshield, wolffishes, womanishly, worshipers, worshipful, worshiping, worshipped, worshipper11-letter wordsabolishable, abolishment, admonishers, admonishing, aftershaves, aftershocks, airbrushing, airmanships, ambushments, angelfishes, antifashion, antitarnish, apishnesses, apostleship, archbishops, artisanship, astonishing, athwartship, authorships, backlashers, backlashing, backwashing, bailiffship, baksheeshes, bakshishing, banishments, barbershops, bashfulness, battleships, bearishness, beshadowing, beshivering, beshrouding, bitterbrush, blackfishes, blandishers, blandishing, blindfishes, blueshifted, bolshevisms, bolshevized, bolshevizes, bonefishing, bookishness, bookshelves, boorishness, bottlebrush, brainwashed, brainwasher, brainwashes, brandishing, brashnesses, broadsheets, brownshirts, brutishness, buffalofish, bullishness, bumbershoot, burnishings, bushinesses, bushmasters, bushrangers, bushranging, bushwhacked, bushwhacker, caddishness, captainship, cardsharper, censorships, cherishable, chickenshit, citizenship, cockleshell, coltishness, comradeship, consulships, copublished, copublisher, copublishes, countershot, cousinships, crankshafts, crapshooter, crashworthy, crawfishing, cultishness, curatorship, cushionless, dealerships, demolishers, demolishing, depolishing, deshabilles, devilfishes, diminishing, dishabilles, disheartens, disheriting, disheveling, dishevelled, dishonestly, dishonorers, dishonoring, dishwashers, disrelished, disrelishes, distinguish, doctorships, doggishness, dollishness, dolphinfish, doltishness, donnishness, downshifted, driveshafts, duennaships, earthshaker, earthshines, editorships, embellished, embellisher, embellishes, emperorship, encashments, enmeshments, enravishing, ensheathing, enshrouding, established, establisher, establishes, externships, factorships, faddishness, famishments, fashionable, fashionably, fatshederas, fellowships, fetishistic, fishability, fisherwoman, fisherwomen, fishmongers, fishtailing, flashboards, flashlights, flourishers, flourishing, flushnesses, folkishness, foolishness, foppishness, foremanship, foreshadows, foreshorten, foreshowing, frameshifts, freshnesses, freshwaters, friendships, furnishings, gangsterish, garnishment, gawkishness, generalship, gibberishes, girlishness, glasshouses, globefishes, goosefishes, grasshopper, greenshanks, groundsheet, gushinesses, haberdasher, hairbrushes, harshnesses, hawkishness, hellishness, hoggishness, horseradish, horseshoers, insheathing, intermeshed, intermeshes, internships, interparish, jellyfishes, jinrickshas, jinrikishas, killifishes, kingfishers, kittenishly, kwashiorkor, languishers, languishing, leaderships, lectureship, legateships, leishmanial, leishmanias, lickerishly, lifemanship, longshoring, loutishness, lumpishness, macintoshes, managership, mannishness, mantelshelf, marshalcies, marshalling, marshalship, marshmallow, masterships, mawkishness, mediumships, memberships, mentorships, meshuggener, messiahship, mishandling, misshapenly, monitorship, monkeyshine, moonshiners, mouthwashes, mushinesses, mushrooming, nailbrushes, nightmarish, nightshades, nightshirts, nourishment, novelettish, oarsmanship, outblushing, outshooting, outshouting, overfishing, overnourish, overshadows, parishioner, partnership, pastorships, peashooters, peevishness, penmanships, perishables, pettishness, piggishness, pincushions, pinkishness, platyfishes, plushnesses, potshotting, praetorship, prefreshman, prefreshmen, premiership, premonished, premonishes, preshrunken, primateship, princeships, proctorship, prudishness, publishable, publishings, puckishness, punishments, pushfulness, pushinesses, rabbitbrush, raffishness, rainwashing, ravishingly, ravishments, readerships, rectorships, reddishness, redshirting, reestablish, refashioned, refinishers, refinishing, refreshened, refreshment, refurbished, refurbisher, refurbishes, refurnished, refurnishes, replenished, replenisher, replenishes, repolishing, republished, republisher, republishes, reshingling, reshuffling, roguishness, ruttishness, sablefishes, sagebrushes, saltshakers, scattershot, scholarship, scrimshawed, seamanships, selfishness, semishrubby, senatorship, shacklebone, shadberries, shadinesses, shadowboxed, shadowboxes, shadowgraph, shadowiness, shaggymanes, shakinesses, shallowness, shamanistic, shamelessly, shandygaffs, shanghaiers, shanghaiing, shankpieces, shantytowns, shapelessly, shapeliness, shareholder, sharpnesses, shearwaters, sheathbills, sheepherder, sheepshanks, sheepsheads, sheernesses, shellacking, shellfishes, shelterbelt, shelterless, shenanigans, shepherdess, shepherding, shergottite, sheriffdoms, shibboleths, shiftlessly, shigelloses, shigellosis, shillelaghs, shininesses, shinplaster, shinsplints, shipbuilder, shipfitters, shipmasters, shipwrecked, shipwrights, shirtfronts, shirtmakers, shirtsleeve, shirtwaists, shittimwood, shivareeing, shmaltziest, shoehorning, shoestrings, shopkeepers, shoplifters, shoplifting, shopwindows, shorefronts, shortbreads, shortchange, shortcoming, shortenings, shorthaired, shorthanded, shortnesses, shotgunners, shotgunning, shouldering, shovelnoses, showboating, showerheads, showinesses, showmanship, showstopper, shrivelling, shrubberies, shunpikings, shutterbugs, shutterless, shuttlecock, shuttleless, sickishness, skirmishers, skirmishing, slavishness, snapshooter, snapshotted, snowbrushes, snowshoeing, soldiership, sottishness, spadefishes, speakership, spearfished, spearfishes, spicebushes, spinsterish, splashboard, splashdowns, splashiness, spokeshaves, sponsorship, spreadsheet, squashiness, squawfishes, squeamishly, squishiness, squooshiest, stablishing, staggerbush, standoffish, steeplebush, stewardship, stockfishes, stonefishes, stonewashed, straightish, studentship, stylishness, succotashes, suretyships, surgeonfish, swashbuckle, sweatshirts, swellfishes, swinishness, swordfishes, synchromesh, tarnishable, textbookish, thornbushes, traineeship, transhipped, transhumant, transshaped, transshapes, trapshooter, tribuneship, triggerfish, troubleshot, trunkfishes, trusteeship, turboshafts, unabashedly, unashamedly, unblemished, uncrushable, undershirts, undershoots, undershorts, undershrubs, unfurnished, ungarnished, unpublished, unselfishly, unshackling, unsheathing, unshockable, untarnished, unvarnished, vagabondish, vanishingly, vanquishers, vanquishing, viceroyship, viewerships, vizierships, voguishness, waggishness, wardenships, washability, washaterias, washerwoman, washerwomen, washeterias, waspishness, waterthrush, whitefishes, whitewashed, whitewasher, whitewashes, widdershins, wimpishness, windshields, wishfulness, withershins, wolfishness, woodshedded, workmanship, worshipless, worshippers, worshipping12-letter wordsabolishments, accomplished, accomplisher, accomplishes, admonishment, amateurishly, anglerfishes, antibacklash, antifashions, apostleships, archerfishes, artisanships, astonishment, athwartships, attorneyship, backsplashes, bailiffships, balderdashes, blandishment, blimpishness, bluishnesses, bolshevizing, bonefishings, boyishnesses, brackishness, brainwashers, brainwashing, brinkmanship, brushability, buccaneerish, bumbershoots, bushrangings, bushwhackers, bushwhacking, butterfishes, buttonbushes, candlefishes, captainships, cardinalship, cardsharpers, cartoonishly, chairmanship, championship, chickenshits, childishness, churlishness, citizenships, clannishness, cliquishness, cloddishness, clotheshorse, clownishness, coauthorship, cockleshells, comradeships, consumership, copublishers, copublishing, coquettishly, countershots, crapshooters, crosshatched, crosshatches, curatorships, customshouse, cuttlefishes, damselfishes, demolishment, devilishness, dictatorship, dilettantish, diminishable, diminishment, directorship, discipleship, disestablish, disfurnished, disfurnishes, disharmonies, disharmonize, disheartened, dishevelling, dishonesties, dishonorable, dishonorably, disrelishing, dovishnesses, downshifting, dwarfishness, earthshakers, earthshaking, electroshock, embellishers, embellishing, emperorships, enshrinement, establishers, establishing, extinguished, extinguisher, extinguishes, faintishness, fashionables, fellowshiped, feverishness, fiendishness, flashinesses, fleshinesses, followership, foremanships, foreshadowed, foreshadower, foreshortens, freakishness, gamesmanship, garishnesses, garnisheeing, garnishments, generalships, ghoulishness, goosefleshes, governorship, grasshoppers, greenishness, groundfishes, groundsheets, guardianship, guitarfishes, haberdashers, haberdashery, headshrinker, heathenishly, helmsmanship, hobblebushes, horsefleshes, horsemanship, horseshoeing, imperishable, imperishably, impishnesses, impoverished, impoverisher, impoverishes, intermeshing, kwashiorkors, languishment, laureateship, lavishnesses, lectureships, lifemanships, listenership, liverishness, longshoreman, longshoremen, longshorings, mackintoshes, malnourished, managerships, marksmanship, marshalships, marshinesses, marshmallows, marshmallowy, meshuggeners, messiahships, modishnesses, monitorships, monkeyshines, mulishnesses, musicianship, muttonfishes, needlefishes, noncrushable, nonvanishing, nourishments, oafishnesses, oarsmanships, offishnesses, outlandishly, overlordship, overshadowed, overshooting, owlishnesses, paddlefishes, paintbrushes, parishioners, partisanship, partnerships, photoflashes, plushinesses, postworkshop, praetorships, prankishness, preestablish, premierships, premonishing, preshrinking, priggishness, primateships, proctorships, qualmishness, rakishnesses, receivership, refashioning, refreshening, refreshingly, refreshments, refurbishers, refurbishing, refurnishing, relationship, relinquished, relinquishes, replenishers, replenishing, republishers, republishing, ribbonfishes, salesmanship, sceneshifter, scholarships, schoolboyish, scrimshander, scrimshawing, semifinished, senatorships, shabbinesses, shacklebones, shadowboxing, shadowgraphs, shadowgraphy, shagginesses, shamefacedly, shamefulness, shareability, sharecropped, sharecropper, shareholders, sharpshooter, shatteringly, shatterproof, sheepberries, sheepherders, sheepherding, sheepishness, sheepshearer, shellackings, shellcracker, shellfishery, shelterbelts, shergottites, shiftinesses, shinplasters, shipbuilders, shipbuilding, shipwrecking, shirtdresses, shirtsleeved, shirtsleeves, shittimwoods, shoddinesses, shortchanged, shortchanger, shortchanges, shortcomings, shortcutting, shortsighted, showmanships, showstoppers, showstopping, shrewdnesses, shrewishness, shrievalties, shrillnesses, shuffleboard, shuttlecocks, silverfishes, skittishness, sluggishness, slushinesses, sluttishness, snappishness, snapshooters, snapshotting, sniffishness, snobbishness, soldierships, speakerships, spearfishing, splashboards, sponsorships, sportfishing, spreadsheets, squarishness, stablishment, stewardships, studentships, subthreshold, survivorship, swainishness, swashbuckled, swashbuckler, swashbuckles, sycophantish, thievishness, ticklishness, tigerishness, toothbrushes, traineeships, transhipping, transhumance, transhumants, transshaping, transshipped, trapshooters, trapshooting, trashinesses, tribuneships, trickishness, troubleshoot, trusteeships, unblushingly, underbrushes, undershirted, undiminished, unnourishing, unwashedness, uppishnesses, vanquishable, vaporishness, viceroyships, waterishness, watermanship, whitewashers, whitewashing, womanishness, woodshedding, workmanships, worshipfully13-letter wordsaccomplishers, accomplishing, admonishingly, admonishments, archbishopric, assistantship, associateship, astonishingly, astonishments, attorneyships, bashfulnesses, bearishnesses, bitterbrushes, blandishments, bookishnesses, boorishnesses, bottlebrushes, brainwashings, brinkmanships, brinksmanship, brutishnesses, buffalofishes, bullishnesses, caddishnesses, cardinalships, chairmanships, championships, chieftainship, churchmanship, clotheshorses, coauthorships, colleagueship, collectorship, collieshangie, coltishnesses, commandership, companionship, consumerships, containership, copartnership, cosponsorship, counselorship, craftsmanship, crosshatching, cultishnesses, custodianship, customshouses, demolishments, dictatorships, diminishments, directorships, discipleships, disfurnishing, disharmonious, disharmonized, disharmonizes, disheartening, distinguished, distinguishes, doggishnesses, dollishnesses, dolphinfishes, doltishnesses, donnishnesses, draftsmanship, electroshocks, embellishment, enshrinements, establishable, establishment, extinguishers, extinguishing, faddishnesses, fashionmonger, fellowshiping, fellowshipped, fishabilities, flourishingly, folkishnesses, followerships, foolishnesses, foppishnesses, foreshadowers, foreshadowing, foreshortened, gamesmanships, gawkishnesses, girlishnesses, governorships, grantsmanship, guardianships, guttersnipish, hawkishnesses, headshrinkers, hellishnesses, helmsmanships, hoggishnesses, horsemanships, horseradishes, imperishables, impoverishers, impoverishing, inspectorship, kittenishness, landownership, languishingly, languishments, laureateships, leishmaniases, leishmaniasis, leprechaunish, librarianship, lickerishness, listenerships, loutishnesses, lumpishnesses, mannishnesses, mantelshelves, marksmanships, mawkishnesses, moderatorship, musicianships, nightmarishly, nonmembership, nonperishable, nonshrinkable, ombudsmanship, overembellish, overlordships, overnourished, overnourishes, overshadowing, partisanships, peevishnesses, perishability, pettishnesses, photofinisher, piggishnesses, pinkishnesses, precentorship, preceptorship, presidentship, principalship, proconsulship, professorship, protectorship, prudishnesses, puckishnesses, punishability, pushfulnesses, rabbitbrushes, raffishnesses, receiverships, reddishnesses, reestablished, reestablishes, refurbishment, relationships, relinquishing, replenishable, replenishment, roguishnesses, ruttishnesses, salesmanships, sansculottish, sceneshifters, schoolmarmish, scrimshanders, secretaryship, selfishnesses, shadowinesses, shallownesses, shamelessness, shapelessness, shapelinesses, sharecroppers, sharecropping, sharpshooters, sharpshooting, sheepherdings, sheepshearers, sheepshearing, shellcrackers, shepherdesses, shiftlessness, shipbuildings, shortchangers, shortchanging, shuffleboards, shuttlecocked, sickishnesses, slavishnesses, solicitorship, sottishnesses, spectatorship, splashinesses, spokesmanship, sportfishings, sportsmanship, squashinesses, squeamishness, squishinesses, stablishments, staggerbushes, standoffishly, statesmanship, steeplebushes, stylishnesses, surgeonfishes, survivorships, swashbucklers, swashbuckling, swinishnesses, swordsmanship, synchromeshes, thundershower, tomboyishness, toothbrushing, tortoiseshell, transhumances, transshipment, transshipping, trapshootings, treasurership, triggerfishes, troubleshoots, tsutsugamushi, undershooting, unembellished, unestablished, unfashionable, unfashionably, unpublishable, unselfishness, voguishnesses, waggishnesses, washabilities, waspishnesses, watermanships, waterthrushes, whitewashings, wimpishnesses, wishfulnesses, wolfishnesses14-letter wordsaccomplishable, accomplishment, accountantship, amateurishness, ambassadorship, anticensorship, apprenticeship, archbishoprics, assistantships, associateships, bipartisanship, blimpishnesses, brackishnesses, brinksmanships, brushabilities, chancellorship, chieftainships, childishnesses, churchmanships, churlishnesses, clannishnesses, cliquishnesses, cloddishnesses, clownishnesses, colleagueships, collectorships, collieshangies, commanderships, companionships, consultantship, containerships, controllership, copartnerships, coquettishness, cosponsorships, councillorship, counselorships, countershading, craftsmanships, custodianships, devilishnesses, disestablished, disestablishes, disfurnishment, disharmonizing, disheartenment, distinguishing, draftsmanships, dwarfishnesses, earthshakingly, electrofishing, embellishments, establishments, extinguishable, extinguishment, faintishnesses, fashionability, fashionmongers, fellowshipping, feverishnesses, fiendishnesses, foreshortening, freakishnesses, ghoulishnesses, grantsmanships, greenishnesses, haberdasheries, headmastership, impoverishment, inspectorships, instructorship, landownerships, legislatorship, librarianships, liverishnesses, micropublisher, moderatorships, nonestablished, nonmemberships, nonperishables, ombudsmanships, outlandishness, overnourishing, photofinishers, photofinishing, postmastership, prankishnesses, precentorships, preceptorships, preestablished, preestablishes, presidentships, priggishnesses, principalships, proconsulships, professorships, proprietorship, protectorships, qualmishnesses, reestablishing, refurbishments, relinquishment, replenishments, secretaryships, shadowgraphies, shamefacedness, shamefulnesses, shareabilities, sharpshootings, sheepishnesses, sheepshearings, shellfisheries, shortsightedly, shrewishnesses, shuttlecocking, skittishnesses, sluggishnesses, sluttishnesses, snappishnesses, sniffishnesses, snobbishnesses, solicitorships, spectatorships, spokesmanships, sportfisherman, sportfishermen, sportsmanships, squarishnesses, statesmanships, swainishnesses, swordsmanships, sycophantishly, thievishnesses, thundershowers, ticklishnesses, tigerishnesses, toothbrushings, tortoiseshells, transshipments, treasurerships, trickishnesses, troubleshooter, tsutsugamushis, undernourished, unwashednesses, vaporishnesses, waterishnesses, womanishnesses, worshipfulness15-letter wordsaccomplishments, accountantships, ambassadorships, antifashionable, antishoplifting, apprenticeships, bipartisanships, chancellorships, comptrollership, connoisseurship, conservatorship, consultantships, controllerships, councillorships, countershadings, crashworthiness, disestablishing, disfurnishments, dishearteningly, disheartenments, distinguishable, distinguishably, electrofishings, extinguishments, fashionableness, fetishistically, headmasterships, imperishability, impoverishments, instructorships, kittenishnesses, legislatorships, lickerishnesses, micropublishers, micropublishing, nonpartisanship, outdoorsmanship, overembellished, overembellishes, perishabilities, photofinishings, postmasterships, preestablishing, proprietorships, punishabilities, reestablishment, relinquishments, schoolmasterish, shamelessnesses, shapelessnesses, shiftlessnesses, squeamishnesses, stadtholdership, standoffishness, tomboyishnesses, transhistorical, troubleshooters, troubleshooting, undistinguished, unselfishnesses16-letter wordsacquaintanceship, amateurishnesses, commissionership, comptrollerships, connoisseurships, conservatorships, coquettishnesses, disestablishment, dishonorableness, entrepreneurship, fashionabilities, imperishableness, inextinguishable, inextinguishably, micropublishings, nonestablishment, nonpartisanships, outdoorsmanships, outlandishnesses, overembellishing, reestablishments, shamefacednesses, shortsightedness, stadtholderships, undernourishment, worshipfulnesses17-letter wordsacquaintanceships, antiestablishment, commissionerships, contradistinguish, crashworthinesses, disestablishments, entrepreneurships, fashionablenesses, handcraftsmanship, imperishabilities, indistinguishable, indistinguishably, interrelationship, nonestablishments, standoffishnesses, undernourishments, unfashionableness18-letter wordsdishonorablenesses, distinguishability, establishmentarian, handcraftsmanships, imperishablenesses, interrelationships, shortsightednesses19-letter wordscontradistinguished, contradistinguishes, establishmentarians, unfashionablenesses20-letter wordscontradistinguishing, distinguishabilities, indistinguishability21-letter wordsdisestablishmentarian, establishmentarianism, indistinguishableness22-letter wordsdisestablishmentarians, establishmentarianisms, indistinguishabilities23-letter wordsindistinguishablenesses5361 words found.

Related questions

When was the village washer by Samuel Selvon published?

December 1, 1987

In which country village washer by Samuel selvon publish?

In San Souci, Trinidad Wick_prince

Is their a copy of the story The village washer by Samuel Selvon?

i dnt see it u fools ni need it for my homework sigh

Is there an image of ma lambee and ma procop from the story the Village Washer by Samuel Selvon?

I'm unable to provide specific images related to the characters from "The Village Washer" by Samuel Selvon as it may be copyrighted material. However, you can try searching for illustrations or cover art related to the book online.

What is theme of the village washer by Samuel Selvon?

Ma Lambee Ma Procop The Villagers

What is a summary of The Village Washer by Samuel Selvon?

The Village Washer is a short story written by Samuel Selvon. In the story, Ma Lambee runs a washing service which begins to fail due to overcharging. Someone else then offers a better service and Ma Lambee tries to get her revenge.

What is the dialect speech used in the story the village washer?

The dialect speech used in the story "The Village Washer" is an example of Nigerian Pidgin English, also known as Pidgin English. This is a simplified form of English that incorporates elements of various Nigerian languages, making it a common means of communication across different ethnic groups in Nigeria. Its use in the story adds authenticity and cultural richness to the dialogue.

what is the settings in "the village washer"?

The setting is the Trinisdadian Village of Sans Souci!

Who are the character in a village washer?

In the village washer scenario, the characters typically include the washer, who is responsible for cleaning clothes using traditional methods, and the villagers who bring their laundry to be washed. Additional characters may include children playing nearby, animals like goats or chickens roaming around, and perhaps a village elder offering advice or sharing stories. These characters collectively create a vivid and authentic depiction of rural life in a traditional setting.

What is the Summary of the village washer?

How is the conflict resolved?

What is the conflick of the story the village washer?

The conflict in the story "The Village Washer" revolves around the protagonist's internal struggle between fulfilling her traditional role as a village washer and pursuing her own dreams and aspirations. This conflict is further exacerbated by societal expectations and gender roles that limit her choices and freedom.

How is jealousy brought out in the village washer?

jealousy was brought to the village washer because he was was losing customers to ma procop and she wanted to black mail ma procop to get back her customers done by brandel babb