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A question that needs an answer longer than one or two words


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Nathen Renner

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2y ago
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4mo ago

Open-ended questions are designed to encourage a more detailed response, typically requiring more than just a simple yes or no answer. They allow the respondent to provide their thoughts, opinions, or experiences on a topic, fostering deeper conversation and understanding. These questions often begin with words like "how," "what," or "why."

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Q: What best describes an open ended questions?
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What is the relationship between open ended and close ended questions?

Open-ended questions allow for a more detailed and varied response from the respondent, while closed-ended questions limit the possible responses to predefined options. Open-ended questions are often used to gather qualitative data and explore thoughts and opinions, while closed-ended questions are useful for collecting quantitative data and providing structure to surveys or questionnaires.

What are the three types of questions?

The three types of questions are closed-ended questions, open-ended questions, and probing questions. Closed-ended questions have specific answer choices (e.g., yes or no), open-ended questions allow for varied responses, and probing questions dig deeper into a topic or response.

What best describes an open-ended question?

An open-ended question is one that cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" and typically requires a more detailed response. These questions often begin with words like "how," "why," or "what" to encourage the person being asked to provide a more elaborate answer. They are useful for promoting discussion, sharing opinions, and exploring complex topics.

Why is it important to have open-ended questions?

Open-ended questions encourage deeper discussions, allow for a variety of responses, and prompt critical thinking. They can gather more detailed information, insights, and perspectives from individuals. This can lead to richer conversations and a better understanding of the topic being discussed.

What is 3 characteristics for open ended?

Encourages creativity and exploration: Open-ended questions allow for diverse responses and insights, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Fosters deeper conversations: By prompting individuals to expand on their answers and share their perspectives, open-ended questions can lead to more meaningful discussions. Allows for individual expression: Individuals have the freedom to respond based on their unique experiences, opinions, and knowledge, making open-ended questions a valuable tool for understanding diverse perspectives.

Related questions

When creating a survey closed ended questions are best described by which of following statements?

Closed-ended questions in a survey are questions that provide respondents with a finite set of answer choices to choose from. They typically result in more structured and easily quantifiable data compared to open-ended questions.

What types of questions require someone's opinion?

Open ended questions.

When determining a customer's specific issue what is the best approach?

Ask open-ended questions to narrow the scope of the problem

What is the relationship between open ended and close ended questions?

Open-ended questions allow for a more detailed and varied response from the respondent, while closed-ended questions limit the possible responses to predefined options. Open-ended questions are often used to gather qualitative data and explore thoughts and opinions, while closed-ended questions are useful for collecting quantitative data and providing structure to surveys or questionnaires.

What is more suffecient to use open ended or close ended questions?

Close ended question are more efficient then open ended question as they can be answered in two words or less. Open ended questions provide the inquirer more information so they are more sufficient when used in marketing.

What words begin open-ended questions?

What, Where, When, How, and Tell me about?

What are the three types of questions?

The three types of questions are closed-ended questions, open-ended questions, and probing questions. Closed-ended questions have specific answer choices (e.g., yes or no), open-ended questions allow for varied responses, and probing questions dig deeper into a topic or response.

Do these have to be yes or no questions?

No, your questions do not have to be limited to yes or no. Feel free to ask open-ended questions that may require more detailed responses.

What are some open ended questions?

Another answer: Open-ended questions usually begin with who, why, what, when or where. If you were for example doing a project on the solar system then you could have "What is the solar system" or" Who called it the solar system"

Are demographic questions considered open or closed ended?

Demographic questions are considered closed-ended because they typically require respondents to select from predetermined categories such as age range, gender, ethnicity, and education level. These questions do not allow for open-ended responses that require elaboration.

How do you frame questions for interview of a novelist?

use open ended question

What Essay questions may also be referred to as?

Essay questions may also be referred to as open-ended questions, long-answer questions, or free-response questions.