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Two figurative languages in "Stolen Children" could include symbolism, which uses objects or ideas to represent deeper meanings, and imagery, which creates mental pictures by appealing to the senses through descriptive language.

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Q: What are two figurative languages in stolen children?
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The term for having two official languages is "bilingualism".

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Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Medical terminology, Scientific terminology, a good portion of English,

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Simile and Metaphor

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Does bilingual mean two official languages?

Yes, bilingual means having two languages (such as a country), or in two languages (such as a newspaper, or a translation dictionary).But bilingual can also refer to a person. A person who can speak any two languages fluently is said to be bilingual, and if they can speak more than two languages fluently, they are multilingual.

When you speak two languages what is it called?

Being able to speak two languages is called being bilingual.