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Those in SL is to simply point or gesture outwards. If this is not your question, please revise the question.

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There are many different sign languages used around the world, each with its own unique vocabulary and grammar. American Sign Language (ASL) is one of the most commonly used sign languages in North America, while British Sign Language (BSL) is used in the UK. Other sign languages include Australian Sign Language (Auslan) and French Sign Language (LSF).

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Q: What are those sign language?
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What is a a sign used to communicate with?

A sign language interpreter is a professional who translates spoken language into sign language for Deaf or hard of hearing individuals. They help facilitate communication between Deaf individuals and those who do not know sign language.

What are the two cultures that have use a form of sign language are?

American Deaf culture and Nicaraguan Deaf culture are two cultures that have developed and use their own forms of sign language. American Sign Language (ASL) is used in the United States, while Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL) is used in Nicaragua.

Importance of sign language?

Sign language is crucial for individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing to communicate effectively. It serves as their primary language, allowing them to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Additionally, sign language promotes inclusivity by bridging communication gaps between the Deaf community and those who can hear.

What are the disadvantages of British sign language?

Some potential disadvantages of British Sign Language include limited accessibility for those who don't know how to sign, potential barriers in communication with those who use a different sign language, and challenges in accessing certain information or services that are not designed with sign language users in mind.

A person who does sign language is called?

A person who does sign language is called a "sign language interpreter" if they are interpreting between spoken language and sign language, or a "sign language user" if they communicate primarily through sign language.

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What are those hand language?

Sign language

What does sign language do?

Sign Language allows those that are unable to speak for themselves to use their hands to talk for them.

Who uses the british sign language and how does this help communicate?

Peope who are deaf and have not heard, those who are without speak will use sign language to "speak" to those who can understand it. People trained to use the language and can hear act as interpretors/communicators between the signer and those who cannot sign.

What is a a sign used to communicate with?

A sign language interpreter is a professional who translates spoken language into sign language for Deaf or hard of hearing individuals. They help facilitate communication between Deaf individuals and those who do not know sign language.

What does language do?

Sign Language allows those that are unable to speak for themselves to use their hands to talk for them.

What are the two cultures that have use a form of sign language are?

American Deaf culture and Nicaraguan Deaf culture are two cultures that have developed and use their own forms of sign language. American Sign Language (ASL) is used in the United States, while Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL) is used in Nicaragua.

What is an interpreter for the deaf called?

An interpreter for the deaf is called a sign language interpreter. They help facilitate communication between people who use sign language and those who do not.

Importance of sign language?

Sign language is crucial for individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing to communicate effectively. It serves as their primary language, allowing them to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Additionally, sign language promotes inclusivity by bridging communication gaps between the Deaf community and those who can hear.

What are the disadvantages of British sign language?

Some potential disadvantages of British Sign Language include limited accessibility for those who don't know how to sign, potential barriers in communication with those who use a different sign language, and challenges in accessing certain information or services that are not designed with sign language users in mind.

A person who does sign language is called?

A person who does sign language is called a "sign language interpreter" if they are interpreting between spoken language and sign language, or a "sign language user" if they communicate primarily through sign language.

How many types of sign language is there?

There are so many...many different ones for each country.AfricaThere are at least 25 sign languages in Africa, according to researcher Nobutaka Kamei.[1][2][3] Some have distributions that are completely independent of those of African spoken languages. At least 13 foreign sign languages, mainly from Europe and America, have been introduced to at least 27 African nations; some of the 23 sign languages documented by Kamei have originated with or been influenced by them.* Adamorobe Sign Language (ADS) (Ghana)* Algerian Sign Language* Bamako Sign Language (in a school in Mali)* Bura Sign Language - Nigeria (PDF link)* Chadian Sign Language* Congolesian Sign Language* Egypt Sign Language* Ethiopian Sign Language* Franco-American Sign Language - a pidgin observed in Cameroon and elsewhere in West and Central Africa.* Gambian Sign Language* Ghana Sign Language (or "Ghanaian Sign Language") (GSE)* Guinean Sign Language* Hausa Sign Language "Maganar Hannu" (HSL) - Northern Nigeria (Kano State)* Kenyan Sign Language (KSL or LAK)* Libyan Sign Language* Malagasy Sign Language (or "Madagascan Sign Language")* Morroccan Sign Language* Mozambican Sign Language* Mbour Sign Language - Senegal* Namibian Sign Language* Nigerian Sign Language* Sierra Leone Sign Language* South African Sign Language (SASL)* Tanzanian Sign Language (seven independent languages, one for each deaf school in Tanzania)* Tunisian Sign Language* Uganda Sign Language (USL)* Zambian Sign Language (ZASL)* Zimbabwe Sign LanguageThe Americas* American Sign Language (ASL)* Argentine Sign Language (LSA)* Bolivian Sign Language* Brazilian Sign Language "Lingua Brasileira de Sinais" (LIBRAS)* Chilean Sign Language "Lenguaje de Señas Chileno" (LSCH)* Colombian Sign Language (CSN)* Costa Rican Sign Language (LESCO)* Cuba Sign Language* Ecuadorian Sign Language* Guatemalan Sign Language* Honduras Sign Language "Lengua de señas hondureña" (LESHO)* Maritime Sign Language* Mayan sign languages* Mexican Sign Language "Lengua de señas mexicana" (LSM)* Nicaraguan Sign Language "Idioma de señas nicaragüense" (ISN)* Quebec Sign Language "Langue des Signes Québécoise" (LSQ)* Peruvian Sign Language* Providence Island Sign Language* Salvadorian Sign Language* Uruguayan Sign Language* Urubú Sign Language* Venezuelan Sign Language "Lengua de señas venezolana" (LSV)* Yucatec Maya Sign LanguageAsia/Pacific* Auslan (Australian Sign Language)* Ban Khor Sign Language - used in the Isan region of Thailand.* Bengali Sign language* Chinese Sign Language "中国手语" (ZGS)* Filipino Sign Language "Philippine Sign Language" (PSL)* Hawaii Pidgin Sign Language* Hong Kong Sign Language "香港手語" (HKSL)* Huay Hai Sign Language (Thailand)* Indo-Pakistani Sign Language or Indian Sign Language* Indonesian Sign Language Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BII)* Japanese Sign Language "日本手話" (Nihon shuwa), (NS)* Kata Kolok - used in Bali* Laos Sign Language* Korean Sign Language* Malaysian Sign Language "Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia" (BIM)* Mongolian Sign Language* Na Sai Sign Language (Thailand)* Nepal Sign Language* New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL)* Old Bangkok Sign Language* Old Chiangmai Sign Language* Plaa Pag Sign Language* Penang Sign Language (used in Malaysia)* Selangor Sign Language (used in Malaysia)* Singapore Sign Language* Sri Lankan Sign Language* Taiwanese Sign Language* Tibetan Sign Language* Thai Sign Language* Vietnamese sign languages (Hanoi Sign Language, Ho Chi Minh Sign Language, Haiphong Sign Language)Europe* Albanian Sign Language "Gjuha e Shenjave Shqipe"* Armenian Sign Language* Austrian Sign Language "Österreichische Gebärdensprache" (ÖGS)* Belgian-French Sign Language "Langue des Signes de Belgique Francophone" (LSFB)* British Sign Language (BSL)* Bulgarian Sign Language* Catalan Sign Language (or "Catalonian Sign Language") "Llengua de Signes Catalana" (LSC)* Croatian Sign Language (Croslan) "Hrvatskog Znakovnog Jezika" (HZJ)* Czech Sign Language "Český znakový jazyk" (CZJ)* Danish Sign Language "Tegnsprog"* Dutch Sign Language "Nederlandse Gebarentaal" (NGT), also commonly known as "Sign Language of the Netherlands" (SLN)* Estonian Sign Language "Eesti viipekeel"* Finnish Sign Language "Suomalainen viittomakieli" (SVK)* Finland-Swedish Sign Language "finlandssvenskt teckenspråk" (Swedish) or "suomenruotsalainen viittomakieli" (Finnish)* Flemish Sign Language "Vlaamse Gebarentaal" (VGT)* French Sign Language "Langues des Signes Française" (LSF)* German Sign Language "Deutsche Gebärdensprache" (DGS)* Greek Sign Language "Ελλ ηνική Νοηματ ική Γλώσσ α" (GSL)* Hungarian Sign Language "Magyar jelnyelv"* Icelandic Sign Language "Táknmál"* Irish Sign Language (ISL)* Italian Sign Language "Lingua dei Segni Italiana" (LIS)* Lithuanian Sign Language "Lietuvių gestų kalba"* Maltese Sign Language "Lingwi tas-Sinjali Maltin" (LSM)* Northern Ireland Sign Language (NISL)* Norwegian Sign Language "Tegnspråk" (NSL)* Polish Sign Language "Polski Język Migowy" (PJM)* Portuguese Sign Language "Língua Gestual Portuguesa" (LGP)* Russian Sign Language "Russkii Zhestovyi Iazyk"* Spanish Sign Language "Lengua de signos española" (LSE)* Swedish Sign Language "Svenskt teckenspråk" (TSP)* Swiss-French Sign Language "Langage Gestuelle"* Swiss-German Sign Language "Deutschschweizer Gebärdensprache" (DSGS)* Turkish Sign Language "Türk İşaret Dili" (TİD)* Valencian Sign Language "Llengua de Signes en la Comunitat Valenciana" (LSCV)Middle East* Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language (ABSL), Southern Israel* Israeli Sign Language* Persian Sign Language* Jordanian Sign Language Lughat il-Ishaarah il-Urduniah (LIU)* Kuwaiti Sign Language* Saudi Arabian Sign LanguageHistorical sign languages* BANZSL - Language family to which BSL, Auslan, and NZSL belong* Martha's Vineyard Sign Language* Old French Sign Language - Parent language of many sign languages* Old Kent Sign LanguageAuxiliary sign systems* Australian Aboriginal sign languages* Baby Sign - using signs to assist early language development in young children.* Baseball Sign - a method used in baseball and softball to communicate strategic plays without the opponent knowing* Contact Sign - a pidgin or contact language between a spoken language and a sign language, eg. Pidgin Sign English (PSE).* International Sign (previously known as Gestuno) - an auxiliary language used by deaf people in international settings.* Makaton - a system of signed communication used by and with people who have speech, language or learning difficulties.* Monastic sign language* Plains Indian Sign Language* Tic tac - a traditional British system of communicating betting odds at racecourses. Answer

Why should sign language be considered a communication barrier?

Sign language should not be considered a communication barrier; rather, it is a unique and valuable form of communication. Just like spoken languages, sign language allows for effective communication and expression among those who use it. It is important to recognize and respect different forms of communication, including sign language.