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The word parts of sensitivity are "sens-" meaning feel or perceive, "-ive" denoting tendency or state of being, and the suffix "-ity" indicating quality or state of.

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Q: What are the word parts of sensitivity?
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Why are some parts of your body more sensitive than the others?

In some parts of the body, there are more nerves in the skin, thus the sensitivity of these areas is enhanced.

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Her sensitivity to others' feelings made her a great friend and companion.

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How does touch sensitivity in humans vary across different parts of the body?

Touch sensitivity in humans varies across different parts of the body due to differences in the density of touch receptors. Areas with a higher concentration of touch receptors, such as the fingertips and lips, are more sensitive to touch compared to areas with fewer receptors, like the back or legs. This variation in sensitivity allows us to perceive different levels of touch and pressure in various parts of the body.

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In proportion to each body parts sensitivity to somatic sensations.

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The noun forms of the adjective sensitive are sensibility and sensitiveness.The noun 'sensibility' is an abstract noun as a word for the ability to feel and understand emotions; a word for a person's vulnerability to being readily offended or shocked.The noun 'sensitiveness' is an abstract noun as a word for emotional vulnerability; a word for awareness of the vulnerability of others.The noun 'sensitiveness' is a concrete noun as a word for an ability to respond to specific physical stimuli.The word 'sensitive' is a concrete noun as a word for a person who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead.

Is photophobia a noun?

Yes, photophobia is a noun. It refers to a strong sensitivity or intolerance to light, often resulting in discomfort or pain in the eyes.

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What does a sunflower feel like?

Yes, sunflowers feel sensitivity. They "feel" sensitivity in that they respond to stimuli, such as the direction and amount of light or damage to parts of itself. It does not "feel" in that it cannot experience pain, discomfort, or emotional distress.

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The word "around" has two word parts: "a-" and "-round".